Chapter Forty-Four: Glass

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//"When you wish upon a staaaaar-~!" - "Nothing Happens." - " :') "//


From the event of dinner taking place, there was still relative silence through the rooms of the base. Gingerbrave sat alone in the corner of the room, looking toward the door that he and Pomegranate had entered just moments beforehand.

The dinner was almost enviable to this, at least he wasn't alone with someone that seemed to be annoyed with his presence. Much like most of the time he had spent in this base with the Cookies of Darkness- as he was still apprehensive about growing overconfident and saying something foolish.

The red haired woman sat on her knees on the side of the room that she chose to occupy, fiddling with several glass ornaments. They glimmered under the light that filtered in from the window- making them look alluring, despite them seeming so simple.

"So... you managed to get on good enough terms to be let out of your cage... how interesting." the woman sighs, before fiddling around with even more of the small, fragile ornaments. "You really seem to have a way around us. It's almost alarming." the voice of the redhead was cold. Compiled, and contemplating. "You made my master show some of her first more 'soft' sides of affection that I didn't know about. You even brought a wreck of a recluse out of his shell a bit more. So many changes, so little time."

The blue eyed child watched the woman as she stood up, and swung around a mirror, turning it a couple times.

"I don't trust you... then again, by now, I would assume that is obvious." she got even closer, her usually neutral expression was one of clear annoyance and skepticism. "You are playing us for fools, aren't you? I don't know what your game is, and I don't know what supernatural problems hitched a ride on your shoulder, but I have my eyes on you."

A swift movement and Pomegranate slammed the mirror into the wall, before bringing the now dangerous weapon back in Gingerbrave's direction- her expression falling back to plain, and unmoved.

Growing more and more tense by the second, the child jumped a bit at the sound of smashing glass. He nearly wanted to panic, but he calmed himself down- before he could get worked up.

The second the now-smashed mirror was brought in his direction, though, he turned his head, instinctively moving it down to cover his neck, which the glass from the shattered object was nearly pressing against.

"One wrong move, and once I get the permission from Dark Enchantress, everything about you will be history." the sharpened edge of the glass was getting closer to Gingerbrave's face, casuing his breath to hitch as he closed his eyes, and nodded slowly.

He was starting to tear up.

Heart racing, and breath hitching- the child's arms and hands started to tremble, which made him sit on them, as a means of keeping from jolting around too much. He kept his eyes closed, bottom lip quivering as the top teeth bit down on it, to keep from making any noise.

He felt so pathetic.

He was supposed to be brave, and here he was, getting worked up over a mirror being pointed at him.

Simply hearing about it, it was comical, if it weren't for the lack of context.

All the same, here he was, frightened. On the edge of his seat, and as he looks down, into the glass- he instantly looked away. He didn't want to look at himself, he hated it. He felt crawling on his back- as newer, more troubling thoughts were starting to clamber their way up into his mind.

The voice in his head was silent, for now... but... it was clear that they were not gone. For all they knew, the voice had yet to even display all of its full abilities. What if this was just a calm before the storm?

Was there something else planned? Something worse?

"Actually, how about I just take care of you now.." the voice of Pomegranate went from indifferent, to menacing. Something about it was now icy, and surprisingly colder than her normal tone. Even the tone that she was using with him mere moments ago.

Looking up in frightened curiosity, the child locked eyed with Pomegranate cookie, who's face seemed to have contorted into something that of a smile. It was wicked, and it mde him feel sick.

"I may get in trouble for doing this without permission from Dark Enchantress- but I am doing a good thing- you are a weasel, and I have no doubts that you will be a bigger thorn in the side. With you gone, we can go back to our masters ultimate objective. I am sure you understand."

Without a warning, the red-haired woman drew her arm holding the mirror back, before quickly swiping it back forward. The child barely even took notice of the fact that she had grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Situating her hand to have a more firm grasp over the previously unassuming, and arguably pretty weapon.

Just as quickly, the weapon was jammed forward and down. Gingerbrave's reflexes were not always the best, and the brief warmth on his neck, accompanied by searing pain and the lack of oxygen brought him out of a state of ponderance, and one of panic.

Breathing. He needed to breathe, but the air had been ripped from him, and the cause behind it was sitting there, grinning sickly at him as it let go of his shirt and let gravity take it's own toll.

The child collapsed to the ground, barely able to wrythe as he continued to struggle for the oxygen he had lost.

The world around him was getting blurrier and blurrier. All of the colors were blending together, and he felt as though was seeing in all directions at once, while not seeing at all.

A voice was calling him. Slithery, and raspy.

"You didn't think I was going to be letting you go, now did you?" it laughed, before grabbing him by his shoulders.

A huge dark mass of mist forms over him, bringing down it's shaded, clawed hands to his bleeding neck before tightening it's grasp, digging it's nails in and chortling at the pain that it was inflicting on the child.

"Answer me, Gingerbrave. No one is going to help you. Gingerbrave-"

His name kept being repeated. Over and over again. Just as the world around the child was getting darker, due to the lack of air- he felt himself quickly being pulled up, and out of the coldeness that he had just been overcome by- and with a firm shake of the shoulders, he snapped back into reality.

"Are you done staring off into space yet?"

((To Be Continued))

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