Chapter Thirty-Six: Parched

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((The Best Part of Waking Uuuuup~ . . . Is not giving a fuck! *slams door closed and jumps into trashcan*))


It's funny how time seems to pass at different rates every day. At first.. time seems insignificant. It seems like time is a mere afterthought, and it passes seamlessly, like fine sand.

Other times, it feels like time is tar. Time is ALL that there is to truth. Everything crawls to a slow, and it feels as though there was no progress made from the starting point. The crept at such a slow speed, it often felt as thought the world was in slow motion. Or maybe it even felt as though it was holding still.

The perception of it was always something that affected on's own iterations.

Gingerbrave sat in his cell. That's all he could do. His legs were sore, and he nearly felt like jelly every single time he went to stand up. He needed to stand up, though, because continuing to sit was only hurting him. It was making him anxious as well as slow.

Currently, Dark Enchantress cookie was standing in the corner of the room, reading one of her books, as she took a sip of her desired drink that pomegranate had brought to her earlier that hour.

Gingerbrave was a bit thirsty...

However, he wasn't going to ask for anything. He didn't want to get in trouble, or overstep boundaries. He didn't want to disrupt them, as they were keeping him here, and not trying to harm him.

He had been too tired to try and figure out ways to escape, as he couldn't ask to just be let go.

The child couldn't tell if it was just him being a pansy, or him not wanting step on the wrong lines, and get bitten by the hand that was feeding him. It's not like he would stand a chance anyways.

Gingerbrave swallowed a bit, his throat feeling more and more dry as the seconds passed. This prompted him to let out a sigh, in hopes of getting the tension in the back of his dry mouth to stop feeling so uncomfortable. He closed his eyes, and leans his head back against the bars of the cell.

Dark Enchantress cookie set down the book she was reading, before setting a feather down to make sure the page was marked.

The book had been folded back shut, and placed face-down on the table near the stairs that went back up to the main floor of the darksides base. Her red eyes were skeptical, but not malicious, by any means.

Recently, she had been thinking back on the events in which she had first met the child that now sat prisoner in what she could consider her own home.

Back when she shielded her current state with a past reflection of herself.

((I am trying not to be too specific, as I do not know ALL of the lore, and I do not want to spoil something that is pariticularly canon that I think a lot of people want to find out on their own. If you know, you know.))

She had used her past form to trick Gingerbrave into helping her with something that she needed to accomplish. He had been happy to help her, as he seemed to be when it came to helping most anyone. After the tasks were completed, she had revealed her true form, and goals, and she remembered the look of absolute defeat that he had.

The purple skinned woman could only wonder what was running though his head at the time.

After getting right in front of the bars of the cell that the pre-teen was locked up behind- Dark Enchantress let out a small grunt of light disapproval. Namely to his state.

Based on how he was leaning his head forward, and swallowing from time to time, he must have been thirsty.

"Here." she tapped on the bars, before using a small napkin to wipe off the straw of the drink she had- that way she could get most of her germs off of the object. After it was cleaned off, she held the drink down, and extended her arm through the bar barely a couple innches, so he could see it.

Her expression didn't change- it was mostly unreadable, and grumpy. Her usual smirk was gone, replaced with an expression of pensiveness.

Gingerbrave looked up to the woman. His eyes were a bit dark at first, from a the lack of interest he had. However, light soon came back to them.

He dind't move for it, at first. He looked at it, then her. Then back to the cup, and back to her again, before lightly pulling his body of the blankets and pillows on the floor to get close enough to grab the cup from her.

He put his hand around it, and waits a moment, before trying to pull it back- just to make sure that she knew that he had ahold of it.

Sure enough, the woman let go of the drink, before letting out a small sigh, and lookig away, toward a wall on the opposing end of the room.

The Brave Child pulled the drink closer to himself before taking a couple small drinks of what he was provided. He was careful not to drink too much at a time, it might make him look greed, or sloppy or even stupid-

Letting go of the straw, he closed his eyes, trying to flush the negative thoughts from his mind- as they were slowly making their way back to the fore-front of his psyche. His hand trembled the slightest bit, which made him scrunch his brows together in a bit of disdain.

Finally, within a few seconds, he had himself back under control. His lips and throat were still dry, but he handed the drink back to the woman, avoiding eye contact.

"Thank you... I... I really appreciate it." he whispered out.

His voice was still a bit hoarse, but it seemed like it might have been better than it would have been if he tried to speak earlier.

Dark Enchantress looked away again, before standing back up, and dusting her dress off. "Take it. You still need it. Just don't make a mess, alright? That drink.. it stains easily." she then went to walk away, going back to read the book she had before.

Getting a closer look at the title, it seemed to say something about mysterious objects and locations. There was some smaller text on the book that Gingerbrave could hardly make out from his somewhat blurred eyesight. It pertained to magic- that he was certain of.

After the brief silence, he thanked her again, and started to slowly drink the liquid that the woman had given him. It was sweet, but he couldn't really tell what it was. It was a calming taste- something refreshing, and not too sugary or tarte.

After smiling the slightest bit, he leans back against the bars, and brings his knees to his chest, getting comfortable- to the best of his ability.

He would enjoy what he was given.

He really was thankful, after all.

However, the negative thoughts were still prodding at the back of his mind. They would likely be there for a long time to come. The least he can do is enjoy the slight moment of borderline tranquility, right?

((To Be Continued))

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