Chapter Sixty-Six: Hospitable

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//Oh I wake up every morning at 7 A.M, to get up for work instead of staying in bed and I think to myself- AAAAAAEEUHH!//


Dark blue eyes woke up the the feeling of warmth. The feeling of scales wrapping around his leg was certainly not the ideal situation to wake up in, that was for sure. At first, the white haired child was just drowsy. His foggy orbs baredly shifted around the room as he tried to completely bring himself back to awareness.

Gaining a better sense of his surroundings, and consciousness of the situation he was in, Gingerbrave stopped moving so much. Dark Enchantress and the other Cookies of Darkness were all still sleeping. Slightly snoring as they seemed to also be sunstantially exhausted. Bringing his leg up in the slightest, the boy had nearely jumped, seeing just what was slithering over his shoes.

A serpentine shaped skeleton faced him. The empty sockets looking at him in interest and maybe even wonder. Despite that, it seemed that a couple things of this morbid snake was familiar.

Closing his eyes, and trying to muster up his courage, GingerBrave thought back, as far as he could. Then, it struck him. The reason the snake looked familiar was because of Licorice. This was the same snake that had slithered it's way out of the magic enthusiast's cauldron after a spell was put together. What had happened to the snake after that had been a great mystery until now. A mystery that they had not even considered.

The snake had changed, since the last time it had been seen. The crimson bones now float within a jelly like substance that somehow still had been akin to a snake's actual body. Scales and all. Perhaps this snake had magic of some kind as well. If not, it surely was resourceful.

Sucking in a deep breath, the brave child closed his eyes and very slightly wiggled himself free of the two Cookies of Darkness that were the closest to him. He was smaller than usual, most likely because he had not been feeding himself well. He felt his stomach starting to rumble a little at the thought of food.

In all honesty, he questioned how smart the idea of going and making food for everyone would be. He was no chef by any means. Not in the least. However, he was good enough at cooking to make a decent meal when it was needed. He knew that from experience. He had survived out in the while for a long, long time- after all. he was almost as familiar with the wild as he was with his own skull shaped buttons on his shirt. Though, interally, he caught himself doubting the authenticity that note would provide anyone else.

Closing his eyes, Gingerbrave pictured what bit of the Darksides base he had seen in his memory.

The snake on the ground in front of the boy started to slither up his leg, eventually making it's way to his shoulder and arm. It's face seemed to be interested him him.

The longer that the young teen stared at it, the cuter it looked. Even if it did have skeletal features, the only thing his brain seemed to comprehend was the fact that the passive face of the serpent monster on his arm looked a lot like a curious puppy.

Despite the cloud of despair that still loomed overhead, GingerBrave reaches his arm out slowly, gently allowing the snake to survey his hand so any movement did not alarm the thing. As soon as the synthetically created animal was settled, the boy nodded to himself, before he turned his head again. He walked toward the door, and looked both left and right as he slowly tracked down the kitchen area.

The kitchen looked so much larger than he remembered it. Maybe it was because both times he ahd been there, there were others in the room with him. The height of the counters also helped him to realize just how short he really was. Especially in comparison to a lot of other cookies who have a very considerable height. Dark Enchantress being the tallest of all of them.

Perhaps he should just get rid of the idea of making food for everyone.

Letting out a deep sigh, he turned around, before noticing something on the fridge door. It was a somewhat fresh sheet of paper, decorated with a swan and lillies in his scribblings.

Seeing it on the fridge made 'Brave feel some sort of odd pride within himself. Almost something like being pat on the back, or even outright congratulated after a job well done. Is this why Custard liked drawing stuff so often? Because he got to feel this sort of subtle acknowledgement when his own drawings were taken by the others and placed somewhere to be seen?

That same thought refueled GingerBrave with some sort of hope and determination. After a moment more of consideration, the boy took a deep breath, and walked over to the counter. He had noticed the small stool off to the side before, and grabbed it- testing the sturdyness before committing himself to using it.

All systems were go.

The child had started to wash his hands, and the space he was going to be using, before pulling several ingredients and tools from nearby shelves, cabinets and containment areas. Everything was relatively untouched- and shockingly clean and tidy. One of the core things about cooking that the child had learned when he was stuck cooking outside.

Guiding his sight over to the nearby table, The Brave Boy looked to the snake that lie curled up in a docile, relaxed manner, staring at him from a pile of paper towels that it was placed on top of, in order to keep the table as clean as possible.

The youth smiled to the strange creature, and turned back to his project, getting ready to put the best meal he can together for the Darksides. They had been helping him a lot. He didn't know if they still considered him an enemy, but the least he can do is take their kindness and pay it forward, like a good person would.

"Time to get started..." he whispers to himself, before pulling out the nearest cutting board and knife.

((To Be Continued))

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