Chapter Thirty-Nine: Clip

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(( *Agressively stomps toward child* - The child: "Daddy??" - "dO I LoOk LikE-" ))


The boy was tense. He looked away, to the point where his neck was starting to hurt from turning it so far. He didn't want to act as though he heard the woman say his name. However, upon hearing it again, in a slightly more serious tone, he looks up to her nervously.

"What is this?" she asked, before pointing to the picture she was now holding.

The boy started to sweat, getting slightly worked up.

"I just... I... I'm sorry it was a stupid thing I did- I-" the first thing he started to do, instinctively, was defend himself. He dind't know what he did wrong. He didn't know why he was so nervous all of a sudden. Maybe he was just being overjudgemental. He didn't want to do that-

Dark Enchantress put up her hand, so she could silently let the child know to quiet down. Gingerbrave took the hint, and quieted himself immediately.

"I am not upset. I want you.. to explain this to me. I want to know what it is about, and why you gave it to me. That's all." she stated. She leans back in her chair, before crossing her left leg over her right, and setting the paper down on the table again. She then places her hands in her lap, folding them neatly.

Taking in a deep breath, Gingerbrave nodded, and grabbed the picture from the table, before setting it down in front of himself.

"I'm not good at art. I never really tried to do it before, except a few times. I drew your staff, because it seems to be one of the things the most important to you. The swamp is because of how scary this place feels sometimes... but it's not scary ALL the time. That's why there are also some lillypads and other plants in there too." he paused for a moment, and shuffled his feet a bit in front of his seat.

The gray/white haired woman nodded as the child continued to talk to her. She made sure not to interrupt, so he didn't lose what bit of confidence he convinced himself to have for explaining his art.

"The White Lillies in here were because.. when you were giving me the tour earlier, I saw a lot of them in the corners of the room. In vases, and such. They were really pretty. I just assumed they were your favorite flower... and for the Black Swan- I drew that because..." he started to get flustered a bit in embarrassment.

((Just because some people see cringe stuff on the internet, I will say the next part is NOT meant to imply a ship, or a possibiliy of a ship. Kids can think of adults as pretty, or 'handsome' or 'cool' and not be attracted to them. Gingerbrave is just blushing because it is an awkward thing to say to an enemy/former enemy))

"Swans are pretty. It's awkward to say, but I think you have pretty hair. The swan is black, because it reminded me more of you, than a white swan would have. That's all..." he leans his head down on the table a bit, before looking away, clearly still apprehensive.

Dark Enchantress took the time to process everything he had said before nodding, and taking the drawing back. Picking it up, and looking it over, she sighs, hiding her face behind the paper as she looked over more of the details. Gingerbrave was not a bad artist, in fact, he seemed pretty good at it. Not the best, by any means. Certainly better than he seemed to give himself credit for.

She didn't let the child see, but she did smile a little bit.

Standing up, she went, and placed the drawing on the counter, keeping her back turned to him, and she tried to get the smile off of her face a bit. "It looks really well done. I-"

Just as she was about to compliment something specifically, Licorice walked into the room. The gray skinned man looked between the two, taking a bite out of an unnamed fruit that he had in his hand. Before he could even open his mouth, the Dark Enchantress turned to him, before fixing a few wrinkles in her dress, from sitting down not too long ago.

"Licorice, you are back early." she noted to the man, who nodded in response.

He didn't bother speaking yet, though. She would likely start to explain what was going on, so, instead, he walks over, and sits down in his chair, which was on the opposing end of where the child was currently resting.

"I decided to give our ... guest- a chance to be outside of the cell. The lack of movement is affecting him, and if there is a case of a problem that we cannot control, him not being able to move properly is only going to inconvenience us. He knows the rules already. Including the rules on everyone's rooms."

After small chit-chat back and forth about what had been said to the child, Gingerbrave mainly just sitting there, and nodding every once and a while- the conversation concluded and Dark Enchantress looked at the clock.

"I have to go and do some things in my study. YOU will look after him until dinner is ready to be served. Do so wherever you wish, as long as you pay attention to him, got it?" the leader of the Darkside cookies gave Licorice a look that seemed to call out one of his lest appricable traits.

With a small sigh, the golden eyed dark-magic user grunted, and nodded to the woman's request. Giving things a couple minutes to slow down, he made a gesture over to Gingerbrave to let the kid know to follow him.

Not needing to be verbally beckoned, the child got up from his chair, and walks over to the man, staying a respectful distance from him- as to not get too close.

Turning without saying a word, the pale man was off, guiding Gingerbrave to the room he, himself resided in. Naturally, the child followed, avoiding questioning anything, despite having several in mind.

As the two males vacated the room, Dark Enchantress turns and readies herself to head in the direction of her preferred study, before spotting the drawing Gingerbrave made her on the counter, where she had set it, as Licorice entered the room just shortly before.

Contemplating what she as going to do next, she smiled the slightest bit, before picking up the drawing, and walking over to the fridge. Carefully, she grabbed one of the small clip-magnets from the top of the door, before securing the drawing to the fridge.

Sighing to herself, she turns, and leaves the room, walking to her office, for even more work.

She had a lot of reading to do, after all.

((to be continued))

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