Chapter Sixty-Three: Indirect

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//**Insert CPR song here, or something. IDK I'm not a doctor.**//


Note: My dumbass has to go through and correct 'Dark Cocao' to 'Dark Cacao'. I didn't realize how bad I butchered it until someone was laughing with me in the comment section on Wattpad. RIP.

Also, reminder: Both Cookie Run Ovenbreak and Cookie Run Kingdom are referenced in this fic, so if you see cookies from OB, don't be shocked. lol


The rest of the cookies around the table were all dumbfounded to say the least. A couple awkward coughs, and the sound of someone slamming their fist down on the table was heard. The generrous, but ever so slightly hot-headed Mala Sauce Cookie was standing up from her chair, a look of quick confusion splayed on her face.

"What do you mean all of YOU are the reason he is missing? If you were the reason he was missing, wouldn't that imply you would also have known where he went?" the woman challanged.

Purple Yam Cookie was never one for ample patience. He and Mala Sauce Cookie butted heads often enough. Part of it was because Yam disliked anything to do with spice or heat. Especially after being trapped in what would basically be considered hell, for him.

Nothing but heat from all directions. Stifling, and constricting. He could barely breathe the entire time.

However that was a story for a different day. They needed to concentrate on now.

"Both of you please sit down. We will not solve anything any faster if we start to argue and go at someone's throats because of stress or confusion." Pure Vanilla stood up from where he had been sitting, his flowered staff looking around at the cookies present as his own remained closed in their typical manner. "Please explain more, Purple Yam Cookie. We need as much information as possible."

Purple Yam leans forward, resting his chin on his sharp mace-like weapon before letting out a firm exhale. "I think Sparkling should tell you all about this part. He has experienced whatever happened at least ONE more time than any of us remember. Maybe Herb too, if I remember correctly..."

Not having the energy to try and dispute or continue the argument, the conversation was passed off to Sparkling Cookie and Herb Cookie as the tough combatant man sat back down at his own seat. Mala Sauce having done so already.

Sparkling Cookie stood up alongside Herb Cookie, who was standing there silently. The botanist gently touched the leaves of the succulent that rested idle in the small pot it was based. All without a care in the world.

The three Ancient Cookies looked at Sparkling and Herb expectantly. It was clear that Dark Cacao was on the edge of his seat, ready to interrogate at this point. The only one keeping him from interjecting at random times was Hollyberry, who, despite a boisterous attitude at times, was a good listener.

Pure Vanilla sat down in his own seat after order had been restored to the table, folding his hands in his lap as he waits with a notable patience.

Sparkling Cookie Clears his throat, before thinking back to when he recalled this all starting. Even if all of the signs were not there at the time.

"How are we supposed to trust you when you won't even trust us to know what is bothering you? It only makes you look like a fool."

All of the cookies were silent around the table. They were confused. What was he walking about? Who was he talking to?

"You are a coward. There's nothing worth-while about you. Why do we even keep you around?"

Sparkling Cookie looked off to the side, not even bothering to peer in Herb's Direction. The green haired man just looked down to the plant in his hands as he brought it closer to his chest. A firm line made up Herb's mouth, a cross and concerned expression being the main display that was openly observed.

"What is the point of quoting stuff to us? That is helping absolutely none of us understand what you are trying to say." Lotus Dragon Cookie sat in the chair they were assigned, holding their instrument of choice off to the side. Their pet rested on the table beside them.

The dragon cookie was clearly unamused at the entire situation. However, until now, they had been listening very closely to what had been provided, vague and indescreet as it may be.

"So far, what you have said has nothing to do with the dullard child that we are talking about. You might want to cut to the chase, so as to not confuse more of the over-thinkers at this table. Everyone thinks at their own speed, and you just may leave some of them in the dust. Plus, it is wasting time."

The dragon cookie only recieved a couple warning glares from surrounding cookies, not that they minded much.

Under the careless facade that the dragon cookie kept, they wanted Gingerbrave to be found about as much as everyone else did. The dragon though relatively little of the child, and even talked down to him on more than one occasion themselves.

Even so, they had a certain notch of respect for him, as annoying as it was. Meaning they would be invested in helping, no matter how much they denied it.

Sparkling shook his head, before looking around and getting right to the point.

"The point here is that, when all of this was starting out, we were being effected before anything major happened and we didn't even know it. Currently, I am the first one to have been effected by it, as far as we know." the bartender pulled his hands up to his hips. "I am usually not someone who talks down to others. I am almost always somewhat neutral in opinion and I don't really get upset easily. That stuff I said earlier- I said that to Gingerbrave shortly before more of us were starting to become effected by whatever had been happening in the kingdom."

Herb nodded to confirm the statement of Sparkling, along with other cookies that communicated with Sparkling on a regular basis. As a Bartender, Sparkling was used to holding his own opinions and keeping his emotions to himself unless he was in the comfort of a familiar area and just had friends around.

He wouldn't need or want to be in the habit of having a foul mouth in a place where cookies come to drink. That is almost just begging for something wrong to happen.

The rest of the cookies around the table al continued to talk to each other, seeming to offer varying ideas on the situation. Some found the information helpful. Other failed to see it's relevence.

After the conversation had been passed around a couple times, the ancients were discussing several things with each other, such as their concerns. Both for the state of this 'meeting room' the the cookies inside of it. Then their worries shifted over to Gingerbrave. They all knew the child well and got along with him quite well too. They knowing he was missing was eating away at their confidence in him being alright.


Vampire Cookie leans back in his seat, his expression unwavering as he just kept himself silent. However, as he brought his legs up and rested them over the surface of the table, much to disdain of Alchemist Cookie, a small smile played on his expression.

Peering over to Alchemist, his smile only grew a little bit more broad as his eye color shifted to an intense pink rather than a deep purple that it always had been.

((To Be Continued))

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