Chapter Fifty: Dashing

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((Skidaddle, Skidoodle, yer dicc is now a noodle.))


Moderate fright shifted to ample annoyance as Licorice's view cleared. He blinked a couple of times, before pursing his lips a bit and stand up, holding his scythe out toward the unwelcomed guests.

"You. No wonder there was a disturbance. Damn." The man swung his scythe around, aiming to embed it in the ground near one of the onlooking party. Standing right in front of him, Almond Cookie was joined by several others, who all were giving Licorice looks of skepticism. There was no doubt of the drace of judgement.

"Tends to happen when you are sitting somewhere spying on someone." Alchemist piped up from where she stood next to the silent Vampire Cookie.

Sparkling and Herb also stood there, but they sported looks of confusion and an unwelcomed glint.

"Stop staring at me. I swear all of you kingdom dwelling rats have a damn problem. The hell is wrong with you?" The black magic user rolled his bright amber eyes before scoffing and standing up. He made sure he was close to the blank expressioned child that stood on the grass right behind him.

"Tell us what you were doing near the crimescene." Almond stated to the man, bluntly. He pulled out a pair of cuffs, before narrowing his gaze.

"Crimescene. What the hell are you talking about you old fart?" after dusting himself off, the man sighed, before shaking his head. "Nevermind don't tell me. I would fight with you, but you guys are already getting on my nerves and I'm not putting up with it." Licorice went to walk away, going in a direction that wasn't leading toward the hideout.

"Not until you tell us what you were doing out here. What was the point of spying on us? We weren't doing anything that should warrant any... interest." Vampire crossed his arms, one of his fangs was exposed to the clean air- under a curled lip.

"What a man can't enjoy a walk? It's not my fault you all were making so much noise." with a huff of annoyance, Licorice brought up his hand, thinking of a quick spell in his head. Maybe, with luck, he could get himself and Mushroom out of there before anything major happened.

The black haired man had an inkling or two as to why these cookies were there. They were probably looking for Gingerbrave. However, he couldn't give away that he knew where the child was. They didn't need these intruders all over their turf. Let alone did they need to be found in the first place.

"Wait a minute-" just as Almond went to try and stop them, Licorice snapped his fingers, and he and his child companion disappeared in a puff of smoke- leaving nothing but the memory of the confrontation in the kingdom-cookies wake.

"Damn it all." Almond cursed before couging a bit, and fanning some of the smoke away from himself. "That did us no good."

Sparkling looked over to the detective, before letting out a sigh. He was clearly ready to move forward as well, maybe to help detain the darksides. However, he never got the chance. "What did you think they were really there for? It's awful shady that they were around where we were looking over the crimescene .."

"I honestly don't know. I didn't expect them to say anything, but I forgot how many sleeves that shady magician has up his sleeves. More than likely more spells that we have never seem before. We know how the dark arts can be." Almond pulled his hand through his hair, before closing his eyes with a sigh.

"We shouldn't run around aimlessly trying to find them. We don't know where they went, and we can't lave your stuff over in the crime scene with the possibility of it being touched. We don't know who all resides in this area." Vampire noted to the rest of the cookies.

"Yeah... we should get going." Herb let out a small sigh, before gently playing around with a small plant he had in his hands. More or less a nervous habit when things around him were particularly tense.

"I suppose we wouldn't have any other thing to do anyways..." the detective grunted. "We have already went back there three times. It is clear noting new has happened. Maybe we should just go back to looking over evidence that we have encountered so far."

Affirmative nods from all of the other cookies that stood with the man.

Soon enough, all of them were wandering off in the direction they had chased the two darksides from. Only pondering what it could have been that even spooked the gray-skinned man in the first place.

"Something was definitely off about what happened, in my opinion." Alchemist noted. "The taller dude was acting like he was seeing something extremely off-setting. Especially considering how fast he was trying to get away from us."

"I did see that. Didn't you all also catch onto the fact that he stared right at our faces several times while they were running off- but it was only after falling down and facing us that he did see who we were. It's a bit bright out here, I doubt he wouldn't have seen who we were with a problem." Vampire chimed in.

"I agree with the both of you, but there are other variables to consider sometimes. It is a bit warm outside and the gray skinned dabbler of the dark arts seems to wear a lot of heavy, dark clothes. He was surely overheating." the detective put the handcuffs back into his pocket.

"Yeah. I don't think I have ever seen him actively overheating before." Vampire brushed some of his long hair out of his face, his eyes focused on the ground.

"Maybe it was the heat causing his vision to not focus, until he stopped, but even so- I don't think it would have been a reaction worth the fright he seemed to have there for a minute." Herb pet the leaves on the small sprout he was holding, his brown eyes holding a glint of curiousness.

"That doesn't explain how he didn't recognise our voices. We were telling him to stop running the entire time. We have fought him several times before. He has even recognized our voices before. Even if he doesn't seem to remember our names." Sparkling stated with a bit of a huff.

"Something isn't adding up." Vampire concluded.

"Well no shit, Sherlock." Alchemist shook her head. "Either way.. we can't do anything about it now. Let's just pick of the crime scene and get home. Hopefully we found something useful..."

(To Be Continued)

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