Chapter Forty-Two: Tasked

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"I can break these cuffs!" - "You can't break those cuffs." -> "Rrrruaaahhhh!!!" *Struggles with Cuffs TM*
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Finally seated at the Dinner Table- Gingerbrave looks around at all of the surrounding party that were at table- seated in what could be considered arguable awkward silence. Dark Enchantress was at the end of the table, using a knife to cut into the biggest portion of her meal. The silence was oddly deafening- it made the child feel as though he was asleep all over again. Asleep in the manner of which he was so tired he didn't process anything else.

Licorice had fallen into silence, and he just poked at his food, while tapping on the table here and there. Dark Enchantress was reading over several of her papers, but avoided touching them, unless she had wiped her strangely un-gloved hand free of any food that had attached to it.

Dark Enchantresses arms were strange, but in the Brave Child's opinion it was a good thing. Her arms were normal, in their typical purple skin-tone on the shoulder, but as you moved down her arm, and got closer to the hand and fingers- you could see that her skin got darker, and darker- before reaching a state of being completely black at her fingertips. She also seemed to have long claws where her nails should be. Despite it being a simple state of mind to think of it as cat claws- for some reason- bird talons came more to mind. Long and dangerous nails. Perfect for grabbing, and defending. The child barely had time to catch himself, and make himself stop staring- as it was rude.

Just as he went to look away, Red Velvet came walking into the room, Chiffon resting in his arms. The dog was wagging his tail seeming confident and content. Upon seeing Gingerbrave though, the dog became excited, and was somewhat struggling a bit to get out of the man's arms and to the youth that he sought to greet.

Noticing the dogs struggles, Red Velvet set Chiffon down on the ground, and the dog ran around the table, before coming to a scuffling stop in front of Gingerbrave, where he continued to wag his tail.

Pomegranate was eating her food in silence, not looking away from her plate. Although, based on her tense posture, she seemed a bit perturbed. The child took notice of this, and as soon as the excited hound got to him, he worked on settling him down, as to make sure to avoid trouble, or annoyances, if they could be avoided. He got down from the chair, and kneels in front of the exited quadruped, gently patting his head, and giving small scratches behind the ears.

It was at this time that Dark Enchantress decided to speak up.

"Licorice, I have a task for you after we have finished with our meal. There is a suspicious glowing coming from the forest. I am tasking you with going, and investigating it. Is that understood?" the woman set down her fork, and her knife, before looking up to the man. In turn, the gray skinned male set down his own silverware, before looking over at her. He was silent, and the silence was demanding an answer. Respectfully, of course.

There was more silence around the table. The near-prisoner looks over to the adults, and the only other near-child that was going to be found in this place.

Poison Mushroom was sitting in their own seat, eating on what looked like a truffle, of some kind. They were content, and joying their meal- the commonly wide, and darkened eyes of the older-youngster were not too expressive, and a bit hard to read.

Gingerbrave could only assume that they were in a good mood.

"I need YOU to specifically go and investigate the forest- because you will have the ability to mask your presence, and avoid detection. Pomegranate cannot spy on them, unless she has either interacted or has owned something with a reflective surface nearby. Conveniently- none of the hidden mirrors she set up in the forest working- implying they are broken. As for Dark Choco and Red Velvet- they are unable to attend to this- as they are more based in combat, than intel gathering. If need-be, you can bring Poison Mushroom with you. They could prove helpful, anyhow- especially if it is someone or something that needs to be temporarily stopped before damage is done in the forest." the purple skinned woman stood, before grabbing all of the stuff she was eating with- and walking to the kitchen.

Deciding it was now a good time to get up off of the floor, and eat the food he was provided, Gingerbrave sat back down on the chair, before taking his tableware, and thanking all of them audibly before digging into the food provided to him. He didn't say anything else, as he was mostly at a loss for words. He didn't want to say anything dumb, or offensive- small talk or not. What if he offended them? What if he made himself look like more of an idiot than he already has so far? What if-

"You really seem to like staring off into space, don't you...?" Licorice asked the child as he walked behind him- setting a cold gray-skinned palm over the youth's shoulder.

Naturally, being taken of guard, the blue-eyed boy jumped with a start, and nearly ducked down to avoid being touched anymore out of immediate fright. Seeing who it was though, he calmed down, and let out a long sigh. The boy shook his head in a motion that indicated disagreement, before exhaling, and looking back down at the table. He tapped his fork on the corner of the plate, his appetite suddenly starting to slowly dwindle.

There was a feeling of awkwardness falling over the room. This made the brave child look away, and favor keeping his glance pointed at his feet- which he started to swing from where they dangled over the floor.

A small exhale escaped Licorice's lips, before he brought his hand up to Gingerbrave's head- patting it a couple times. "It's Understandable. Don't sweat it- alright?" Leaning forward, the man then whispers in a hushed tone. "If they are troubling thoughts, don't worry. I have them too. Just try to find something to distract yourself, alright?"

With that- Licorice was walking away.

"Gingerbrave- you will be going with Pomegranate for the time being. I have more stuff to attend to, and the other two are going to be busy. Make sure to not do anything that could get you into trouble. I am sure that is in your hands."

Dark Enchantress spoke with a breath of confidence in the child's capabilities to keep himself from having issues. Then, with a small glance, the woman made a small glaring expression toward Pomegranate, who just sighs, but said nothing.

The feeling of tension was in the air again, and it was making Gingerbrave apprehensive. However, keeping to himself was more favorable, in comparison to actually speaking up, and potentially provoking more issues within the already questionable situation.

Taking another bite of the meal he had been served, he closed his eyes, and let his breathing slow down- so he could control his slightly ragged breath. With luck, this wasn't going to be as bad as he thought it could be...

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