Chapter Fifty-One: Returning

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// "Have you ever had a dreams. That. That you um you add you do what you could you do you it you want you you could do so you. So um, you can, you could do anything?"//


The doors to the Darkside Cookies base soon swung open as Licorice walked in, Poison Mushroom following shortly behind him. The child was looking around, making sure they were not followed by the snoopers they had run across a little while ago.

The dark haired man let out a disgrunted huff as he swung his scythe up, resting the large weapon over his shoulder. "What a pain." he grit his teeth.

"You seem pleased with your trip, Licorice." A voice stated from the nearby doorway. With a bit of a jolt, and a slight cringe, Licorice tensed a bit, shrinking in on himself. Within the moment, though, he regains the composure, straightened his posture, and looked over to the woman.

Dark Enchantress was leaning into the nearby doorframe, her eyes seeming to look him over as she stood back up straight. Her staff was resting in her hands, ready to be used, if and when need-be.

"Yeah, we went and looked into what was up. The pink fog in the forest is most likely whatever was keeping it's clutches over the kid when we first brought him in. However, we also had those kingdom cookies snooping in places they did not belong in." the golden eyes narrowed a bit. "They were near where Velvet first had the encounter with the kid, I believe."

The red eyes of the woman seemed to narrow as she concentrated. "I see... well this is quite the development. I would sure hope you ensured you were not followed." It was more of a stern statement than anything else.

"Yes. I made sure we were not followed." Licorice sighed. "Either way, as I said, whatever that thing is- it is in the forest. It seems that tripping over a specific root makes us pass some sort of break in the reality. If we don't, we don't see what we are surrounded by. Vines will be sneaking in when they get the chance..."

"Vines, you say?" The woman brought her dark gloves hand up to her face, before contemplating for a moment longer. "How interesting." she stated.

At this point, the dark magic user fell to silence. He only nodded, before locking the door to the base. "Anyways.. how is the kid doing?" the man questioned, just for the woman to turn her head. "He sat with Pomegranate for a while. She, of course, didn't appreciate it. However, she said he behaved himself, save for staring off into space the whole time. He is with Dark Choco at the moment."

Poison Mushroom walked over to the nearby bench, before laying down on on it. That child could get comfortable just about anywhere. Within a meager few seconds, they had passed out, quickly falling asleep.

"I'll go get them into bed..." Licorice mumbled before walking near the youngest darkside member. He picked them up before setting down his scythe, and walking down the left hallway connected to this rather small, underwhelming welcoming room.

The only thing within the space worth nothing was a mirror, or two, a couple statues of estranged creatures, and several vases with white lillies gently placed on the inside.

Watching the two retreat to the left of the room, Dark Enchanted closed her eyes, before shaking her head. Then, she turned on heel and started to walk down the other side of the hall, to the right.

She was seeking a particular room. It would not be too hard to find.

Within several paces and under a minute of travel, she stood outside of the room she had in mind- which was Dark Choco's Room. She didn't even knock. She knew damn well the man wasn't asleep. If he was getting dressed, or ready for the day, he would be in the bathroom, and the door to his room would have been open.

She opened the door quietly though, as a means of making sure not to catch anyone off guard. Walking inside, she looks around, spotting Brave on the bed as he seemed to be fast asleep- though in clear disdain all the while.

Standing near the window, Dark Choco was leaning against the wall, crossed arms and eyes closed. Certainly awake, and aware of the fact the leader of their group had stepped into the space.

Without needing to be told, or prompted, the mann straightened his posture, before walking over to the barely taller woman.

He didn't greet her verbally, but his expression held a solemn, and calm expression rather equivalent of the salutations.

"How did it go, Choco?" she questioned, wasting no time with her gathering of situational info.

"He is sleeping, but not soundly. I am sure you could tell that, by the way his face looks in his sleep." The man stated before sighing. "He fought sleep, a little. I don't think he will feel rested, even when he does wake up."

"Fitful sleep. I suppose I should not be surprised." the woman muttered, before walking closer. "I wonder why he is a fitful sleeper. I don't think I recall ever seeing him tired when we encountered him in the past. It is likely the fault of that lingering menace." she let out a soft grunt of disapproval.

"Some part of me slightly begs to differ, respectfully, of course." the man stated, before putting his arms down at his side.

"What makes you say that, Choco?" the woman pondered the question aloud, leaving an opening for the man to continue with his train of thought.

"I dozed off. When I did, I ended up in this place.. I think it was an oven. I fell down onto a flat surface, hot to the touch, I would imagine. I could hardly breathe, as it was sweltering hot. I looked around and saw the child there, as well as other children that looked like him..." Dark Choco paused, before closing his eyes.

"I suspect there is something more you wish to tell me." the woman guessed.

"Indeed there is." he replied to the woman. He regained his composure over the next minute or so, allowing a brief stent of tranquility. With a deeper sigh, and another shutting of his eues, the man looked toward the light being produced by the window again. "There was a bunch of dead children. They all looked similar to him. I would guess they were siblings, or made the same way he was."

Another moment of silence between the two as Dark Enchantress soaked in all of the information. There was no way telling if this was true, false, or maybe the fabrications of a messed up dreamscape that had already endured much trauma.

She doubted that though.

Because she had seen a bunch of child like shadows in the boys head that looked similar to him from when she and the other darksides went in there before. There was no way they were a coincidence.

Now.. she was stuck wondering what to do about the chid's clear trauma.

"Wake him up in about an hour, if he is ot up already... I need to go start cooking. Bring him out when you hear the bell go off."

Dark Choco nodded affirmatively, before turning his gave back to the sleeping child. Wordlessly, the woman left his room, closing the door behind herself.

(To Be Continued)

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