Chapter Sixty-Four: Intrusion

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//Reeses Puffs, Reeses Puffs; Eat Em Up, Eat Em Up, Eat Em Up-//


Alchemist Cookie looked at her adoptive sibling, feeling a chill crawling up her spine as she narrowed her eyes behind her broad framed glasses. ". . . Who are you?" she stood up, before backing away from the red haired male. She only grew irked as soon as Vampire started to let out a shallow, dark laugh.

All of the heads at the table started turning upon noticing the movement from the rather idle side.

"What are you doing?" Vampire's eye color fell back to the normal, dark purple that they always were. He looked genuinely confused, but the younger cookie only narrowed her eyes, before getting closer to him.

"I don't know who you are, or what you are- but you sure as hell are not Vampire Cookie." she grabbed the man by his collar, and narrowed her eyes as she leans in closer to the impostor. The hat over the younger cookie tilted, and Vampire smirks before grabbing the brims of it, pulling it down over the girls face with a firm snap as the brim tried to resume its regular shape.

"Clever child. I suppose I should be surprised that the kingdom lush would easily be picked out for not indulging in his 'enjoyments'. However, now that I have been sniffed out, I suppose I shouldn't hide it." the red haired man pat Alchemist on the head, before shoving the girl back.

Alchemist fell back with a heavy thud, seeing as she was distracted with trying to get the tight brim of her hat off of her head with minimal luck.

Almond Cookie reaches in toward his packets, silently pulling out some handcuffs before lifting his chair a bit, and nudging it back away from the table. Hopefully enough for a little bit of movement.

Noticing the officer off to the side of himself, Sparkling looks over to the other side of the table, trying to make a gesture for someone to start talking, so the attention could be directed away from the detective that would surely be inching his way toward the supernatural based cookie within moments.

"Well, this is quite the development." a statement roused from the other side of the table, a stern woman standing before adjusting her dress a little to be comfortable again. "I have not met you before, but it seems that we have a stranger amidst our ranks? Just who are you, and what brings you to spy on us?"

Pinkish Red eyes behind a thick-framed monacle blink as long white eyelashes hide most of the woman's expression. Head tilting a bit to the left, she brought a hand to rest under her chin.

Right next to her, a separate woman with green triped hair, and a bit of a cocky expression let one of the brows raise in question before adjusting the headband that held her hair back. "Well, you heard her, she asked a question."

The presence within Vampire couldn't help itself. It would take the chance to gloat whenever the opportunity presented itself. Now was the time. It could openly rub it's achievement's in their faces, right from behind it's drunkard of a host's lips.

"Oh come now, don't go acting like me succeeding in infultrating on your little meeting was all that hard. After all, you all were in MY territory, you can consider this.. paying back the favor- as they say." Vampire cookie's face twisted into a mix between a snarl and a grin as he slammed his arms down on the table- the presence within him laughing at their concerned, or less specific expressions. "This just proves how easy you are to trust. Everything amidst you simple minded fools has been all for not."

Pure Vanilla Cookie stood up at his chair, before before making a gesture to start speaking.

In a quick fit of sudden annoyance, the entity controlling Vampire Cookie quickly moves his hand forward, before grabbing a nearly placed cup that rested on the table. Made of glass, the opportunity was taken to smash the liquid-bearing object.

From the base of the cup, where the liquid rests- to the top; the cup had been shattered. However, the arguably long handle of the glass, as well as the base were still in good shape. There was no hesitation or fear behind the next actions that were taken. Eyes aglow in a fiery pink, Vampire cookie aimed the sharpened handle of the former object in his hand before grabbing Sparkling's hair with his free hand.

Sparkling had barely even any time to react, before his head was slammed down onto the table. Vampire's left hand was pinning the blonde's cranium to the coldened surface while the right hand held the sharpened glass a couple measley inches over the bartenders hair.

""Ah ah ah. We don't want to get reckless now do we? After all, we all came here to chat and take in our lovely little situation. I think all of you should concentrate on that instead of me having fun and watching the show. We don't want blonde and beautiful's pretty little face to be turned into scratching post, now do we?"

The viciousness carved into Vampire Cookie's face was alarming. Whoever or whatever this creature was, it wasn't joking. If there were any wrong moves made, there was sure to be reprecussions.

Even Sparkling Cookie had made sure to barely move a muscle in this situation. The last thing he needed to do was get everyone going.

Almond Cookie started to sweat a little bit. He was about to move when Sparkling made a gesture with his hands, silently telling Almond to Stop.

Taking in a bit of a deep breath, wavering in the slightest- Sparkling swallowed a little before shifting in discomfort. "You seem to be really proud of yourself..." he stated in a slightly quivering voice. "You must have a lot of be proud of if you are here in front of all of us now with such confidence."

A snarl emerged from Vampire before he started to let out a dark chuckle. "Of course I am." the man admitted as he gripped Sparklings hair with more force. "After all... I have been the source of all of your problems from the start, and yet.. here were months later."

Sparkling couldn't bite back his tongue anymore. He felt a tinge of quick annoyance, and resentment fuel it's way into his brain. The same feeling he felt when he had talked down to Gingerbrave that day. "You bastard-" he spat.

"That would be me indeed, Sparkling." The possed man cooed before leaning toward the other more with a bit of a hiss. "Come on, I know you have that sweet little feeling of deja vu. You know it was me that made you say all those nasty things. How could you be so cruel to a child?"

Vampire Cookie let out a feigned whine before snorting and starting to laugh again. After falling silent, seemingly breathless, Vampire seemed to cease moving. All of the other cookies in the room were tense, and there was not a word uttered between them.

"Now that we gout that out of the way..." Vampire started with a small smirk "Let's see how well your local bartender can handle his on wears." Without another word, the possessed drunkard quickly raised the sharpened handle glass weapon over Sparkling's head, and slammed his hand down toward the startled blond.

The room went cold as jam quickly splattered across the table and several gasps emerged from the surrounding cookies.

((To Be Continued))

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