Chapter Thirty-Eight: Lillies

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(Do u kno da wae?)


||NOTE: Before we start, I would like to say that I have read through all of the comments that the readers had left me on the question post. As of the posting of this chapter, the question post will be deleted, just so this book does not get cluttered. Before that happens though- I would like to say thank you.||

||I loved hearing all of your points of view, and I appreciate your sharing your thoughts with me, positive, negative, or something in between. I appreciate the other perspectives- and I despite me not intending to change my writing style, regardless of opinion- I wanted all of you to know that you have a voice, and I hear you- even if I don't always have time to reply- or if my comment section isn't working right. Thank you for your patience, and staying with the fic for so long. Let's move on to the chapter's contents, folks!||


For a few moments, Gingerbrave continued to struggle. He used all of the muscle he could in his upper body, mainly his arms. He eventually pulled himself to stand, but didn't move. The second he adjusted one of his legs, he felt the tingling sensation of them waking back up.

Due to constant wobbling, he had almost fallen dow about four times, and the only thing keeping him up was the willingness to continue grasping the bars as if there was no other option on planet Earth.

After catching his breath, the child stood back up to his full height, before facing the woman who had given him permission to roam. He knew the rules, and stipulations. It's not like he would try to run back to the kingdom right now anyway. The darksides already knew more about what was going on with him, than the other kingdom dwellers did.

He didn't know if he had succeeded when he took out the pedestal with Red Velvet. He just hoped it didn't get worse.

Part of him felt bad for not trying harder to escape, to go and see for himself how things were going. What if he were to take the voice back to the kingdom? What if he made things start again? What if it was still bad, and he only made it worse?

The brave child felt a chill running down his back as he clenched his eyes closed and let out a sharp exhale. He couldn't help but think that he was being watched, and ridiculed in a manner. He was sure it wasn't Dark Enchantress. Her expression was still plain, and observant.

"I will show you around. Now that you know the stipulations, I would hope that you do not try to do something that makes me regret this decision. The others do not know about this yet, so if they see you wandering around alone, they will likely try to re-detain you." the purple skinned woman used her cane to start walking up the stairs.

Gingerbrave, who still had mostly numb limbs, leans onto the railing for support. He made sure to try and move quickly, as a means to keep up with the leader of the darkside cookies.

Reaching the top of the staircase almost felt like a blessing. No sooner than he did, Chiffon came trotting by in front of the room that the staircase was connected to. The cakehound sniffed the ground, and upon seeing the child- he started wagging his tail.

The hound wasted no time, trotting over, and giving the boy's knees a few licks in greeting, as he picked up on the child being tipsy.

Dark Enchantress stepped off to the side, before closing the bookshelf that hid the stairwell. She was hoping she wouldn't have to use it again- so there was no NEED to keep it open. "Chiffon, heel." she gently commanded to the hound, which made him back away from Gingerbrave, and planting his bum to the ground.

"This is an unused study. We only use it for the purpose of the stairs to get down to the cell room. With confidence, I would hope I don't need to drag you back to that space again. We still have a medical ward up here after all." Dark enchantress tilted her head in the direction of the door, before starting to walk. "Come along. I will show you everywhere you are allowed to go."

Without a word, Gingerbrave just nodded when he knew she was looking.

Then, they were both on their way.


One concise tour later, both Dark Enchantress and Gingerbrave were sitting in a dining room, that seemed to be shared by all of the darksides. Gingerbrave was getting tired from using his legs so much after he had been using them rather minimally in the previous days.

They had run across none of the darksides during the tour. They very well might have been busy, or outright absent. At the moment, Dark Enchantress was reading another unlabeled book. She had set a notebook down in front of Gingerbrave, so he could do something in the mean time.

At the moment, she didn't have any idea what to talk about. She didn't feel the need or want to press him for information. Not yet, anyhow.

So, Gingerbrave was drawing.

Using a pen, and the paper he was provided, Gingerbrave had doodled out Dark Enchantresses staff. It seemed to be standing in a pond, of sorts. Around it were some doodled brushes of leaves, a few lillypads, and in the center of the peace, there was a lovely black swan next to the sceptre that Dark Enchantress used.

The part that stood out the most were the light colored lillies that covered the black swan's form. Elegant, and decoratively placed.

Gingerbrave saw many vases around the darksides base with soft white lillies in them. They were placed in complimentary corners of the rooms they rested in. Proud, but modest in presence. Such a lovely flower indeed, white lillies were.

After Gingerbrave was done, he did what most kids would. He didn't try to get Dark Enchantress's attention, but he did write down who the art was for, before sliding over the drawing. He just let it rest on the table in front of the woman, and he looked away.

Maybe him making her a drawing was weird. Maybe she would think it was suspicious. Was he trying to butter her up? Was he-

It was those doubtful thoughts again.

Closing his eyes, and exhaling a bit, the boy calmed himself down, so he didn't work himself up any more than he had.

He felt his nervousness get a bit higher again when he saw the woman movinig from just in his periferal vision. She seemed to have put the book down, and picked up the paper- based on how he heard it shifting. He closed his eyes, and clenched his fingers around his seat, before looking away more.

He was nervous.

Just what would she think about it? Would she hate it?


He grew even more tense, and hesitantly looked over to her.

((To Be Continued))

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