Chapter Two: Damaged

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Running along the trunk of a tree, GingerBrave continued to explore around the forest while it was still early in the morning. He wash haphazardly jumping around, using his cane to support his weight on vines as he slid down them from high-resting tree limbs. It seemed that he was starting to get less and less cautious the more energized he became.

It surely had been several hours, at this point. The lad had made it a point to explore everywhere he could reach. There was just so much fun to be had- and new things to see.

Eventually, though, the blue eyed cookie knew he was going to have to head back to the kingdom to check in. If he was out here too long, without checking in- then he was going to have nearly half of his friends out here searching for him, and he didn't want to make them worry to that extent.

Taking one final panoramic glance around where he rested near the canopy of a tree, he started to make his way down the trunk of the structure, once again utilizing the aide of his cane so he wasn't falling down- the tree was covered in vines and smaller branches- so there was a lot of stuff to grab onto if needed. He was confident in whatever was going to happen from there. He moved one arm down, followed by the leg on the oopising side of his body.

This process repeats, until he places his left foot on the ground safely, allowing himself to show a content smile.

He closed his eyes, envisioning where he had been last. He needed to turn back around- and take every path that went off to the right- seeing as he was going left almost this whole time.

Dashing forth the bold child smiled, quickly running back in the direction he had known he came from. He whistled to himself, thinking about Mint Choco Cookie's Violin music. Maybe he can stop by the older cookie's place later, and make a song request, if Mint wasn't too stressed. If he was, though, it could wait until another time.

Keeping his quick, steady pace made the time spent getting to this point feel like everything took obscenely longer than it should have. Though, he didn't mind too much- completely. GingerBrave started to think about Avocado cookie- maybe she got that thing she was working on earlier done, finally! She was a really fast worker. She made some of the coolest things.

Continuing on for many minutes, the 12-year-old hero looks around- taking note of the field that he had passed by earlier. This time- though- something seemed different-

He had nearly forgotten that he was going to talk to someone else in the kingdom about it- to see what it was, especially if it was documented to be anything in particular. With these many thoughts in mind, the blue eyed boy starts to travel around the outer edge of the clearing. He knew for a fact that it wasn't glowing before...

"I wonder what that is....?" he started to ask himself. He wanted to get so close to it, but he also wouldn't let himself move. As he has heard before- just because it seems harmless, that does not mean it can't be dangerous. Looks can often be decieving. "I should probably stay away from it... I still don't know what this is, and I don't need to trigger something that could be avoided..." he started to sweat a little bit- getting a feeling of general discomfor tthe more he looked in the pedastals direction.

Turning his head to the side, GingerBrave spot the path that he was on earlier that day, and he furrowed his frostinng brows a little bit. It wasn't that far- all he needed to do was walk near the trees- and he would be there in no time!

The boy starts to make his way to said tree line, touching a couple of the trunks, before walking along right in front of them, keeping his eyes away from the structure that seemed to harmess just a little while ago. Maybe it was just his nerves playing with him... then again... MAYBE it wasn't. His gut was screaming to him. Telling him to try and get out of there as soon as possible.

He wasn't scared- not yet- but soemthing definitely wasn't right-

Just as he made his way to the halfway point between the last path he was on, and the path he was seeking- he heard a bunch of rumbling- and the sound of shooting- almost as if line-triggered traps had been sent off somehow.

Before he could even have the chance to respeond- a projectile of some sort went flying right by his head- making him wince.

GingerBrave got cold all of a sudden, and thought back a bit- Tigerlily taught him about this too, right?! He thought and thought, before quckly plopping himself on the ground, and scooting along the grass- using his fore arms and legs to wiggle and shimmy to the other path. it was so close.

Staying near the ground was his safest bet. He doesn't know where the arrows are coming from. Meaning there is a high chance that he could easily get caught by one.

Knowing any cookies that set up traps, those arrows are poisonous- tipped off with something that will enhance the amount of bodily harm the object will do. These traps were made for people who were WALKING. Even if he sets all of them off, he is safer near the ground.

The blue eyed boy continued to quickly scoot his way along the dloor of the clearing the grass tickled his face, nearly enough to bring him temperary joy and distract him from just how much danger he could be in right now.

'Just a little more- almost there- I just gotta-" the child continued the frantic crawling, trying to keep up his determination. He was right at the path now- all he had to do was stand up and-!

The second he stood, and made his attempt to hide behind a nearby sign that rested near the clearing- Gingerbrave heard the sound of wood chipping, and felt pain rushing into his leg- He audibly gasps, before covering his mouth to keep himself from making any loud, or sudden nosies. Looking down- his leg looked really bad-

There was a large pinkish-purple object of a jagged, sharpened veriety sticking out of his leg, piercing the back and completely going through the front- no restraint. The wood from the sign was cracked, and pierced behind him, it dind't do anything to stop whatever this was.

Either way, it really hurt.

The Brave Cookie grunted, as he closed one eye, trying to keep from crying. He doesn't have time to sit down and cry about what he doesn't have. He needed to get back home, or at least somewhere with an adult that knew how to heal others. Whatever was sticking out of his leg hurt, it made Gingerbraves body feel like fire- he still wanted to scream, but he bit it back.

The clearing fell into silence as he crawled along, struggling to get anywhere at all. The jam leaking from his wounds was sure to attract predatory animals.

"Got to get back... come on- just a little bit-" the boy continued to pull himself, the object sticking out of his leg was starting to glow agian- which only burned the poor child more. He had no idea what was happening, but he felt himself get cold all of a sudden as his arms gave out from under his struggling body- and he fell chin first onto the ground fromw here he barely held himself up in the first palce.

Eventually, GingerBrave just falls limp, unable to move his body at this point, the strawberry jam pooled under his leg- as he has probably lost to much already. He could hear someone calling his name- but he couldn't process who it was- all he knew was that it was familiar... but he couldn't place it.

Gingerbrave flops his head down on the ground, passing out as several figures start to run at him from the darkness of the path ahead.

((To Be Continued))

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