Chapter Thirty-Three: Similarities?

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// I call this next dance move- .''~*Vehicular Manslaughter*~''. //


Dark Enchantress walked past Licorice, letting her magic slowly die down back into her hand, before shaking her head, not completely knowing why she bothered covering the child in the cell. It only frustrated the woman, causing her to grunt, roll her eyes, and dismiss the action.

"Keep an eye on him, until Velvet gets back."

After the brief instructions, she walks up the staircase. and turns the corner, walking in the direction of the room that could be considered her own personal study. Or office.

In turn, the black haired man stood up, walking into the room where the boy was being contained. It would likely be a while, before Gingberbrave woke up, so he just sat on the floor, one of his small, estranged Licorice Minions following him all the way there.

Of course, the amber eyed man made sure to keep his eyes off to the side, entertaining one of the small Licorice Minions that was nearby.

As he was eavesdropping a little while ago, he still had the thoughts fresh in his mind of what their prisoner, and his leader were talking about. He wondered just how bad it would have been for a child to be in such a state of mind. Though he tried to brush it off as him getting soft, or not being in his right mind, it didn't seem to quiet these troubling notions down in his head.

That child that was with Gingerbrave in his mind. Just what kind of tie did he have? Didn't that little... freak... say something about being 'Brothers' or something along those lines? Just how were they related though? Was this cookie baked in relation to GIngerbrave? Same cookie sheet, maybe?

It all made Licorice's head hurt. He hated that he had to think about this shit, but he couldn't blame the kid that lie under the blanket a mere two yards away.

The other similar cookies to the child... it was strange.

Now that Licorice thought about it, even when he was baked, he didn't remember having so many cookies that looked like him. Maybe one or two, but he definitely lost track of them soon after he went out into the world. That was a long time before he had encountered Dark Enchantress, of course.

In comparison to what he was working with Dark Enchantress for, he and many other cookies he knew were released into the world, willingly.

He used to Repsect the witches... until Dark Enchantress revealed the truth to him, much, much later.

Flopping his head back against the wall very lightly, the man tried to think about something else. ANYTHING else- because all of this theorizing wasn't going to do him any good. He wasn't going to talk to Gingerbrave about it, either, beacuse for all he knew, it would trigger something else unpleasant that they would all need to deal with.

Nearby, the child seemed to shift in his sleep, breathing in and out lightly as he seemed mostly at ease.

Laying his head in a more comfortable position against the wall, Licorice felt something hit his lap, before looking down and seeing Chiffon leaning his muzzle over his leg.

Normally, Licorice would have tried to shoo the dog away. He was not a hound person, but he didn't hate them. He often acted like he did, though- just because he didn't want anyone else seeing him acting like a fool with the baby-voice thing he did from time to time.

Chiffon whined a little bit, but it seemed the hound was also at ease, wagging his tail a bit.

"Don't get too used to this... you know I won't do this a lot." Licorice said to the hound, before bringing up one of his hands, and petting the hound on the head, right between his ears. "Don't tell anyone, either, got it?" he chuckled.

Chiffon, in response, licked the man's hand, and wagged his tail the slightest bit harder. The dog soon calmed himself, though, making sure not to press too many of Licorice cookie's buttons.

Licorice closed his eyes, before thinking back to how he was in the past, and hell, even how he was now. There were not too many differences, he was mainly just more ambitious, and less ... nervously excentric? He didn't know how to word it.

Tapping his unoccupied hand on his free knee, the man continued to ponder on his common thoughts. Self depreciating, and often masked as jokes. He used to make such comments freely thinking that no one around him would really care about what he thought of himself. He easily called himself an idiot, and a dumbass. Talentless, too.

He even recalled one time he had freely said that 'If I go in there first, and something goes wrong, it won't be too much of a loss anyhow. After all, if I die, there won't be much of a difference. I don't do much.' He laughed at his own comment, at first, all that time ago.

However, the others didn't like what he had said.

Dark Enchantress made sure that Licorice was WITH someone when they went into the location they were headed, and Pomegranate scolded him for saying such things about himself.

Of course, being who she is, Pomegranate did agree that he was an idiot. In spire of that, she made it clear that she cared... sort of. More than likely a little more or less than Licorice would openly give her credit for. It really was a moving day for him, back then. It made him realize a few things...

Of course- it would never stop the thoughts that often plague his mind. Perhaps, maybe nothing ever would.

Those subtle, and dare he say- awkward- interactions gave him more of a sense of identity. More of a sense of presence. It made him feel like more than nothing.

He hadn't thought about those emotions this hard until now.

All because of this damned kid, and troubles that clearly underline everything he does.

Had he really cared enough to, Licorice could have drawn these similarities a long time ago, if he tried.

The Darksides have faced the Kingdom Dwelling Citizens before. They knew how a lot of them worked, and it lead to several advantages, and leads in confrontations that they all have had. Battles, Verbal Exchanges, and merely crossing paths.

Licorice figured he understood just why Gingerbrave was always in the front of the other cookies in battle. He knew the kid had no special powers. Sure, he was strong, that was undenyable. He was resourceful too, and smart.

Those weren't the reasons Gingerbrave always carried the front lines of the Kingdom Dwellers though.

Licorice just knew it.

The real reason that this kid would always be in front of everyone else... was because of the same thing that Licorice used to think, say and do.

He viewed himself as a means to and end. He was ecpendable. He was the dummy that tested out the waters, so all of the important players could succeed.

The black haired , dark-magic user laughed under his breath, and shook his head a little more, before letting out a prolonged sigh.

"You aren't even awake, and you are giving me a headache, kid.... haha..."

((To Be Continued))

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