Chapter Thirty-Four: Gathering

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// Hit or miss? I guess they never miss, huh? Got a girlfriend, I bet she doesn't kiss ya- **Intense booing from the crowd** //


Almond Cookie was pacing around in a large dining hall that rested somewhere toward the center of the kingdom. He had been there for a long while, looking over his stenograph, attempting to figure out a way to talk to everyone else. In relativity, it would seem simple.

Though, if anyone were in his position, they could likely better understand his ailments. It was much like taving to tell the family of a murder victim that their kid, or mother, or sibling had died. He was used to the way investigations like this worked. However, that never made it any easier. This only caused the older man to lean on one of the supporting pillars that decorated the room. He was tired, and sore, but he wouldn't be getting rest for a long while. He knew that much.

Knight Cookie and Princess Cookie made the announcement that they would be bringing the cookies of the kingdom to the dining hall at around 7:00 pm, a couple hours before it would get dark, that way they all could find their way home easier after it was over.

With a sigh, Almond set his stenograph down on the nearby counter ledge, which could pass as a bar counter. He leans into it right after, feeling drained. He could feel slight bags forming under his eyes, though he was positive that he was simply more tired, due to the stress.

Just as he felt himself slightly nodding off, he jolted back to the world of the aware, and leans back forward, deciding that keeping his back a bit sore might be a better option, as it could help him stay awake.

Luckily, not too long after that, the other cookies were starting to file in, talking to each other amidst the tense energy in the room. It was nearlly calming, yet static at the same time. Almond caught himself looking to the door several times- sort of out of habit.

When Kingdom Meetings, or other events were hosted, the child would nearly always keep himself near the door, with the intention of greeting everyone who was coming to the event.

Taking in some air, and exhaling, Almond walked to the center of the spacious room, readying himself to make the brief speech. Princess Cookie looked over to Knight Cookie, who had not cheered up since the news that he had gotten earlier. Herb and Sparkling were with Vampire cookie- Alchemist Cookie talking with them briefly.

Sparkling, in particular, looked troubled. He constantly looked around, and seemed to be hoping or wishing to see something, or someone.

Of course, within an understandble stent of time, the room was filled, and all of the clamouring cookies had come to a silence, Knight Cookie first getting their attention with a loud shout to the crowd.

"Alright, I am sure many of you are confused as to why we are all here. I assure you that your time is not being wasted. Amond has some things to share with us! Almond, can you please come up and tell the others what was going on? It do believe you have quite a few things you want to get out before everyone leaves here tonight."

Almond nodded to Knight Cookie, making his way to where the light shown into the room from one of the many large windows. He thinks to himself about what he was going to say when he did get up there. He needed to be sure he didn't waste much time.

"In regards to the news you are all likely looking for, I would first prefer to make it clear that this is mostly unpleasant news. I might as well get that out now." immediately, the early elder man saw a lot of faces in the crowd drop from slightly hopeful to downright defeated.

Avocado Cookie shifted uncomfortably on her leg, holding one of her crutches as she kept herself from sitting down. She was clearly worried, and on top of that, she was very much frustrated. She would be out there doing more, but the others were on top of her to keep her from moving too much. Otherwise, she very well would only mess up her leg even more.

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