Chapter Fifteen: Rush

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After getting his one wrist free, Gingerbrave took in a deep breath, and he persuaded himself to move quickly to accomplish his next task without being caught. He stood up, and spun himself around, before bringing up his leg, and kicking at the other side of the chair he was secured to.

A couple of firm bashes to the side that his arm was still stuck with, the arm of the chair snapped free, and the bar that was attached to the handcuffss slid a little bit. The cuffs were still attached to the bar, though, because the space it was within, was enclosed, and the boy would have to snap that in half as well, if he wanted the dead weight off of the cuffs at least.

Looking to the left, the boy hurried over tot he door, before slamming the object attached to the cuffs right into the hardened structure several times, making a notable racket.

"Come on, come on, come on... word faster...!" Gingerbrave begged of the object, before slamming the object down one more time- and the opposing end of it finally snapped away from the other half, which left room for the boy to pull his hand free. He was just glad that his hand dind't get impaled in the process, it nearly had.

Quickly picking up the object, he slammed the wedged end of it under the door, before kicking it several times, attempting to assure himself that it would suffice as a semi decent doorstop- at least until he could get out.

'Brave! Open this door!" there was loud angry shouting, it sounded like Almond... for a moment, the boy wondered how he could hear the man.

It must have been the speaker in the upper corner of the holding room...?

The brave boy took a deep breath, before shaking his head, and darting off to the widnow, jumping up a couple feet so he could use his one good hand to pull his body up the ledge of the sill. He would have to use his other hand... it had slightly crumbled, but.. still usable... for now.

Bitting his lip again, the boy glared down, and swung his other hand up- grabbing onto the bar in the window, so he could move up faster. Then, after a few seconds, he hoised his body up to a rest, turned to his side, and squeezed through the bars, with notable problems. The first being how hard it was to breathe at the moment.

He couldn't afford to stop for too long. With his head outside, he could hear a door slamming open, though it was feint.

He struggled faster, before pushing himself out of the window, and he felt himself falling for barely even half a second, crashing to the ground with a heavy thud.

He grunted in pain, but couldn't take the time to ease his aching side. He needed to get up, and run. He heard footsteps, and angry shouting. With a small stumble, and a grunt, he pushed hismelf forward, stumbling more, and using his good hand to stop himself from crashing headfirst into near wall of a storage shed.

'Tick Tock, child, better bust a moveeee.' the voice taunted in the boys head, before snickering. 'I am impressed you are really THAT desperate to get out of this situation. What are you going to do now, you fool?'

"Ignore you, after this." Gingerbrave grrunted, before shaking his head again, and starting his run off to the left of the building wall. With luck, he wouldn't run into anyone else. He would be able to make a clean break to a small hole in the kingdom wall that Sorbet used when he wanted to go out for a swim in the river, late at night.

"Get back here!" the voice of the aged man was quite a bit behind him. Almond was the one persuing him, but he was still a bit old. There was no way he was going to be able to keep up with Gingerbrave. No way at all. "Stop running you coward!"

Dodging several curious cookies coming out of their homes, and random objects that were being thrown in his direction Gingerbrave managed to weasel his way around large piles of wood, several bushes, and a questionably placed boulder. He finally found the gap in the fence, and slid his way through the space, before wrapping around the corner of the wall, and pushing a large rock in front of the space.

With luck, Almond didn't see him, because of the nearby bushes that might have blocked the way.

Silencing himself, the boy tried to breath lowly, and not make noise in case the man stopped in front of the gap.

Half a minute goes by, the sound of running coming and going as quick as the blink of an eye.

'He will get outside of the wall eventually, get moving, and fast, dummy." Gingerbrave scolded himself and he stumbled to a stance again, before running down the bank of the river. He needed to avoid that bridge at all costs. He knew that he heard more voices and footsteps with the aged man that was hot on his trail. That meant that others were surely with him, and he would have an even lower chace at escape, if they caught up.

His side hurt. He nearly wanted to collapse.

Despite this, he pulled himself to a steady jog, travelling down the bank near the rushing water as he looks for a certain line of rocks. If he found that... he... should be able to get across. He cursed at himself, for not having his cane with him, he couldn't spare time to grab it. That meant that he was going to have to struggle harder to defend hismelf.

Within moments, he saw the rocks. Just a little further... that's all... that's all he needed! Come on! Go faster! The faster you find that stupid pedestal, the faster you can help your friends and undo what you had caused! You can undo your mistake!

Stopping in front of the large rocks, The Brave Cookie clenched his eyes shut, before scolding himself. This all really was his fault. He had let all of this happen to his friends, and they were all miserable. As soon as he fixed this mess, he was going to need to apologize. He was going to need to make sure they all knew he was sorry, and make it up to them. He didn't mean for this all to happen, he-

'Aww, how cute, you are wasting your own time by standing here, and scolding yourself. Are you really that dumb? Scold yourself after you get there, dumbass.' the voice in his mind talked down to him, seeming annoyed by the constant thoughts.

Gingerbrave was starting to get mixed feelings now... why was this voice suddenly trying to get him to move faster...? It was trying to stop him not even two hours ago.

Looking back down to the river, the boy took a deep breath. He was probably overthinking it. Overthinking everything is what got him into this mess as well. Because he overthinks who he can ask for help, and he overthinks what he can do for himself.

He was going to cross this river, and if he didn't, make it across the rocks, he was going to struggle in the water, until he either made it to the other side of the riverl or he crumbled trying.

Narrowing his eyes in determination, Gingerbrave took some steps backwards, before rushing forward at the rocks, taking the first leap at the rock that was a notable distance away...

((To Be Continued))

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