Chapter Thirty-Two: Chances

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// So, no head? **Slams phone into pavement, before decompressing the welfare of a skateboard..** //


Licorice was sitting in the near room, reading over one of the small pocket books he kept with himself from time to time. The words in it were written in a strange language he seemed to understand, but he refused to translate it for anyone else's usage.

The black haired man had been the only one who lingered nearby- seeing as he was tasked with keeping an eye on him again. Until Red Velvet got back, at least. The hound friend was going to be out on some sort of patrol, as he almost always was.

He had overheard the conversation, and frankly, he knew how that felt most of the time. However, being the career path he chose, if it could so be called that, he had no room to express himself. There were other things they needed to do. More important things that needed to be accomplished.

He would never share his own feelings, and when he 'did' it was a form of hiding.

Despite these thoughts running through his head, the man was still surprised that a child this young had such a mindset. He wasn't even a teen yet, as far as he knew. However, he could be wrong.

Maybe he was told the child's age at one point, and simply forgot it, because he didn't deem it important to remember.

This lead the darkside to be thoughtful, reflecting back on what bit of information they had all gotten from their enemies clearly troubled mind.

It seemed that Dark Enchantress was becoming more and mroe invested in Gingerbrave's plight. It wasn't the typical sort of investment that contributed toward blackmail, either. Which was most likely the strangest thing about this whole incident.

The old, purple-skinned woman actually looked interested. Involved.

Dare he say, it somewhat looked like she cared about the result, despite all of their past problems with the kid when he was playing his typical opposing role.

Licorice remembered when he had encountered Gingerbrave before... sort of. It seemed their first meeting had also partially escaped him, somehow. Though, he could think back and remember the child calling his robes 'Old Rags'. Boy did Licorice remember being offended by that statement.

With a grunt, the man shook his head as he felt a small headache starting to form. He really didn't want to deal with this right now.

After some moments of silence, he heard The Dark Enchantress start to speak from the cell she stood in front of. Her voice was low, and calm.

"For a child, your thoughts sure are a lot darker than they should be." the woman noted, before crossing her hands over the front of her legs, tapping her fingers together in a thoughtful manner. "Either way it goes, I have managed to surpress that presence that keeps plaguing you. It won't last long, I am sure."

Gingerbrave settled down, wiping at his eyes, before looking up to the woman.

"Why...?" the question seemed a bit hesitant. Certainly apprehensive.

"Why, you ask?" she leans forward, her face getting darker as she started to the boy. "Because I don't want to have to deal with messes back and forth just to keep you here. That's why. You caused enough trouble when you weren't even conscious."

The blue eyed child looked up and into her eyes before seeming to process the information, and let out a small sigh, likely in annoyance at himself. The stare he gave her was a silent message for her to continue talking. It's not like he was able to go anywhere anyways.

"I honestly don't know how you intended to hide it. One of my followers walks into a room, and finds you dazed in a pool of your own blood. Turns out whatever happened was contagious enough to effect him." she brought one of her hands to her face, before tapping a finger across her chin. "Static, and screaming."

With that information, the boy tensed.

"Ah, so that was what happened to you. It wasn't just a side effect on him." the woman grunted, before pulling up one of her gloves, which was beginning to wrinkle up on her arm. "Regardless, we don't need that happening again. Don't consider this charity, either. I am only helping you, so you stop causing so much trouble."

After that statement, the child looked up at her, a defeated expression crossing his face.

"If you don't want to be bothered with me, then why not just knock me out, and drop me off in the middle of the forest?" his voice was tired. It was clear he was still exhausted.

The woman was silent, before huffing, and standing back up at her full height.

"It is bold of you to assume that I would let you live if I decided not to keep you here." she rolled her eyes, before shaking her head a bit. "Or are you just overly hopeful that I wouldn't?"

Gingerbrave locked eyes with the leader of the Darkside group, before leaning his body forward, resting his chin on his knees. He contemplated his next words, before breaking eye contact with the woman, and looking off to his left. There was another brief pause, before he actually said anything.

"I am not sure you wouldn't kill me... but... I am confident that you wouldn't. After all, you have had many opportunities to kill me in the past, and... you haven't." he looked right back up her, but still avoided eye contact. "I believe, that if you REALLY wanted me dead... you would have found a way to make that happen a long time ago."

The Dark Enchantress was at a loss for words. She didn't say anything to either confirm, or deny what the child had just stated to her. She just stopped talking for a few moments.

"I will be taking my leave. Don't cause trouble for anyone sent in to watch you, or I might not be as charitable." the woman muttered, before turning, and going to walk in the direction of the staircase.

Gingerbrave contemplated not saying anything to her, but he couldn't help it.

"For whatever it is worth, whether or not it matter to you- or not- thank you for helping me. For now."

With that, the exhausted child crawled across the cell floor, and curled up on the mattress. He didn't bother grabbing the blanket, he was far too tired for that. Instead, he just pulled his arms into his shirt, and wrapped them around his body, choosing to ignore his feet.

Just as he was closing his eyes, feeling himself passing out again- he felt less cold. He could feel the blanket being placed over him, though he didn't know how it happened. He was far too tired to question it.

However... he felt safe enough to sleep, for the first time in ages. No scary thoughts, or memories. Just- sleep.

Within seconds, his world turns dark, and he is pulled into the pleasant, non-threatening void of sleep.

((To Be Continued))

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