Chapter Fifty-Two: Step

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((Aaand I think to myself.... what the fuck-))

((Note: For the display image, I saw this in my notifs, and I was laughing uncontrollably, because I am both petty, and have shit humour. To whoever did this, thank you for making my day comical.))


Waking up with a couple short blinks and foggy eyes trying to focus on the far wall, the child guest sat up and rubbed at his eyes. It was clear that he was still tired. He seemed to have barely rested at all, despite seeming to have been asleep this entire time.

The red-eyed man standing near the window barely even moved when he made a glance in the childs direction, silently observing his awareness and depicting that he needed a little bit more time to fully wake up.

The time passed slowly. Surely Gingerbrave had looked at him a couple more times, that was a given.

With a small sigh, and a shake of his head, Dark Choco finally stood up completely and walked toward the area where the guest had slept. "You're awake." the man bluntly stated as he folded his arms behind his back in passive contemplation.

On cue, the boy let himself produce a small nod, before he went to try and stand up.

The youth was wobbling, clearing his fuzzy vision and relaxing tense muscles as he made the couple strides needed to hand the cape that Dark Choco always wore backt to the man. He had managed to stand still a few seconds, blinking harshly as he let out a small thank you.

"Breakfast will be served soon."

The rest of the time inside of the room seemed to be a bit of a blur. Gingerbrave knew he was getting ready for the day, very briefly, of course. He simply used the bathroom, and washed his face- ensuring to clean up any messes he made along the way.

He was in and out.

Once he was done, Dark Choco made a gesture with his head and signalled for the other to follow him- to which the child replied to with a nod. Gingerbave walked right behind the tall man, and kept his mouth shut.

"By the look on Dark Enchantress's face earlier, I would say she has something to talk about . You might what to try and keep your ears open this morning alright?" The hall soon turned into what seemed to be the living room and kitchen area.

The two separated, and went to sit down at the table. Dark Choco went this his typical seat of choice, which was anywhere on a corner- as it made it easier to getout, if need be. It was also closer to the exits of the kitchen, he needed to go and do something in a short amount of time.

Breakfast was eaten in reletive silence. Gingerbrave thanked them for the food, before slowly starting to eat- Pomegranate drank a morning tea and Licorice ate his breakfast as he looked through a small, dark-covered book of sorts.

At the moment, Poison Mushroom was not in the room, and it seemed that Red Velvet was once again out doing something with Chiffon. Guarding, perhaps.

To silence the tension of the room, Dark Enchantress started to speak first. The woman folded her hands over her lap as she let out a deep sigh. "Gingerbrave, a word?"

Hesitantly, the child guest looked to the side, glancing to the floor for a moment before nodding in affirmation. With a small push, Gingerbrave slid the mostly empty plate forward, and backed himself away from the table.

Before long, he was standing in the near hallway with Dark Enchantress, the tall woman looking down at him with a bit of a contemplating, and somewhat troubled gleam behind her normally wicked eyes. It seemed she was a little lost for words, and was struggling to find the right thing to say.

"I have been alerted about some of your spacing out that has been going on. Such as at the table last night, and in Pomegranate's room last night." better to start off with something relative to what she had to make a point out of right?

At the news of that, the child tensed, seeming to grow un-eased as he looked down. There were no words for him, he simply nodded, at least telling her that they were true.

What was she going to do? Was it something inconvenient? Maybe he shouldn't have left the jail cell- maybe-

"I am not really worried about you..." she started to say- before letting out a small huff, looking away from the child. "But you understand that we can't have you having these episodes, especially if something does happen, correct?"

More silence.

Gingerbrave shakily nodded as he looked away, seeming disappointed, but he said nothing.

"Don't look more discouraged. Your face is going to become as wrinkled as mine." Dark Enchantress let out a small tease, though it was a little on the intimidating side. The child knew though, and he smiled a bit, despite his sad expression.

"Haha... it's not a bad thing, is it?" the quiet question was proposed, leaving both of them in silence.

"I suppose not, child." Dark Enchantress walked closer to Gingerbrave, before tapping her scepter on the ground twice. "Now, I suppose I should ask you the real question. Dark Choco saw something he found concerning in what can be considered a vision last night. Something to do with you."

Gingerbrave tensed at this, and then swallowed down any building fear as he nodded for the woman to continue with whatever point she was intending to make in this conversation.


"To put it short, I wish to explore your psyche again, if you will allow us. Perhaps we can find a way to subdue that entity that was messing with your mind a little while back. However, this time, we only will go in if permission is granted from you."

For a moment, the white haired youths face seemed to darken at the thought. Not in disgust, but in a way that seemed to eminate a feeling the opposite to fondness.

For a moment, the matriarch pillar of the darksides thought she would be denied her request. However, in an act of trust, or maybe even desperation, the child waited a couple moments, before hesitantly nodding his head.

"Y-yeah. Okay. I agree. Maybe this will help, with putting whatever that thing was out of it's reign. If it is messing with me again, it's sure to cause trouble elsewhere... it might have already." with a small hitched exhale, the guest prisoner seemed to strighten his posture.

Without a word, the woman of base nodded and gestured her hand with the sceptre toward the near door, and started walking. Brave followed right behid her, a small look of light determination spreading over his face as he did his best to swallow down whatever nerves he had.

He needed to start getting back on his own two feet, and accepting this help would hopefully be the first step...

(To Be Continued)

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