Chapter Forty-Nine: Mist

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The small trek forward didn't last too long. As soon as both of them forced a tripping interaction over the root of the tree, they clipped ito the other version of the world that Licorice had first witnessed.

The black haired dark-magic user looks around as he attempted to contemplate the next best move. Meanwhile, he helped the child following him up off of their knees- the purple clad individual looking around in both curiosity, and an ample sense of discomfort.

The wide eyes of the younger individual were almost different, in a way. However, now was not the time to think about that. This was the time to venture ahead, and gather as much information as they could.

If it took them tripping over the root to see any of this, Licorice did wonder how Dark Encantress noticed any of it in the first place.

Maybe it was because she has had such close contact with whatever was producing this odd-colored eerie fog.

Something in the man told him that there was something beyond this that wasn't quite right. No matter how hard he shook his head, and rattled it around, it was falling on empty.

"Come on. Stick close to me, and make sure not to wander too far. It would be best if we stay in the same general area, in case something happened." the gray skinned ma ventured off, knowing full well that Poison Mushroom was right behind him.

They walked along a path of dead grass, and odiferous smog that nearly made it hard to breathe. It was an odd sensation, to say the least. Licorice knew that the fog had some sort of potency. An odiferous scent- yet he couldn't place a single smell he was familiar with in this derranged version of the woods.

"It's like I can see everything around me, at the same time, I see absolutely nothing at all." the dark haired ma noted.

"Do you think we are close?" the child asked from Licorice as they started to mess around with a small purple mushroom cap in their hands. "It feels like we are. It's difficult to walk."

"i don't know."

There was a silence between the two as Licorice forged ahead. He moved the larger vines out of the way, be it passively or by force. Poison Mushroom handled themselves well, they hardly needed any help. Which was good, on both ends. Eventually, they made it to a small patch, where a clearing would have been seen out ahead.

Was this where Red Velvet got Gingerbrave from in the first place? There was a broken and cracked structure out in the center of a field of dead grass and gloomy flora.

The structure had several pink shards of something floating above it, all of the shards of whatever they were formally a part of were levitating in an odd disarray.

Whatever it was, made Licorice uneasy as he turned his head, and shook it a few times. There was a low buzzing rising in his temple. It made the room feel as though it was shaking. It was much like the feeling he had gotten when he had first contacted the troubled child that now resided in the base of the Cookies of Darkness.

It was clear that Poison Mushroom was feeling the symptoms too. They brought their hand up to their head, and shook their nodding noggin a couple times. Already unfocused eyes were now struggling to stay in one place as the gaze of the child seemed to drift almost everywhere.

"Come on. I don't think we should get any closer. If this is anything like what we encountered in our 'guest's mind, then we should wait until more of us are present. We shouldn't take any chances." The man put his hand out, gently shooing the child to move back toward where they had come from.

It didn't take long for the retreat. Licorice did not know if he was doing the right thing or not. Who the hell knows. Maybe Dark Enchantress would be pissed he didn't make any progress. In his own opinion, though, if the entity that was messing with Brave then was causing damage of that caliber- mentally. There was no way that they would hold back if it was just two of the 'interferences' alone in what looked to be it's own territory.

Before they went to turn, Licorice took notice of about 5 or so silhouettes running in their direction. All of them were stark of any major details. He couldn't tell if they were friend or foe.

Based on this environment, though, it was better to be safe than sorry. Grabbing Poison Mushroom by their hand, he grunted, and narrowed his pastel amber eyes before darting off in the opposite direction.

While both of the darksides were running, all they heard from the approaching figures was a bunch of garbled words. Ones they couldn't make sense of in the least.

,,˙ǝʇʇǝlɯo uɐ ǝʞᴉl pǝploɟ ʇǝƃ oʎ ǝɹoɟǝq 'ƃƃǝ uɐ ǝʞᴉl ǝlqɯɐɹɔs ɐʇʇǝq,,

A couple minutes passed, and soon, the same root was seein just ahead of both of the retreating party.

"Hurry up. You go first. Something's right behind us..!" Licorice turned around, swinging his scythe- the blade nearly missed the face of one of the near figures, which still looked like a black mass of energy with no definable form.

Poison Mushroom quickly ran into the vine and tripped over it, sending them out of the rift in the space.

The dark-magic user continued to swing his scythe as he backed up, looking back and forth at the five or so figures that loomed over him. Gritting his teeth, the gray skinned man was about to make a solid strike against the approaching figures.

One of them spoke again.

,,˙ǝɐƃ ɐɯɯoɯ o⅄,,

Swinging his weapon of choice just a little bit, the man lost his balance, and fell backwards as he effectively tripped over the vine.

"Dammit..!" quickly looking back up, the black haired cookie of darkness paused right in his tracks, seeing unwelcome, but familiar faces where the masses of blackened energy were just a second ago.

((To Be Continued))

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