Part Sixty-Eight: Change

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(("Guys look..., A BIRDIE!!"))


((Authors Note: Welcoming the first piece of fanart from one of my most enthused, consistant fans of this book- this amazing piece of art was made by  @Mils0013  (Wattpad), and has also been posted to Mils Tumblr! () please consider going and showing Mils some support!))

Mils Tumblr: 


The boy continued to ponder the woman's question. His darkened eyes shifted a little bit, and he stared at the nearby wall- dare one say- he may have even been a little lost for words to express his opinions even now. Despite that, he gave it some thought. Why would he defend the product of everything that had caused him so much pain when he was barely even conceptualized?

The world was always going to be harsh, and unforgiving.

In itself, though, there was beauty, and compassion. Love able to be found, if only one dug deep enough to finally reach it.

There was always things he second guessed within himself. Always wondering whether or not he had done the right thing. Whether or not he was capable to continue on the way he was, just because he knew what witches could really be like.

Just before Gingerbrave could answer, the timer over the oven went off, and he stood up- walking over to the warm appliance as he grabbed the oven mitts again, and readied his hands to the designated handle to pull the appliance door open to get to the product of his cooking labors. The second the door of the stove was open, a warm wave of air hit him, and he visualld tensed a little bit.

The feeling of the warmth didn't hurt him physically. Not in the least. However, the emotions that started to rise in him were indicative of moderate panic. His hands clenched over the bar of the handle, and he quickly closed his eyes, before his breath hitched in the back of his throat and and struggled to get himself to move for a firm few seconds. He trembled a little bit as subtle flashes in his memeories started to play, and the feeling of sadness started to emerge within him again.

It was cut short when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, and he looked up to see Dark Enchantress there, standing over him with a calm, knowing face. She had gently made a motion for him to move to the side, so she could continue the task he had set himself to do. However, he shook his head no, and took a deep breath- before stucking both of his arms in the oven. He pulled out the baked goods with a baited breath, and subsequentially stuck them on the counter, where they could cool on the cooling rack that rested near the sink.

Looking up to Dark Enchantress the moment before, gave him a feeling of moderate realization to the question that the woman had wanted him to answer. The one that she awaited, in quetion of his motivations that confused her so.

"I think... I can explain it." Gingerbrave finally sighed, before setting the oven mitts down on the counter- far enough away from the cooling food for them to cool down as well. "I don't know if it can make sense, but... I can't explain it."

Dark Enchantress looked back at the white haired child, before walking over to the chair once more, and sitting down in it. She nodded to him, and allowed him the time to speak his mind. To enlighten, or amuse her with his point of view. Despite not hating him anymore, she highly doubted that they could ever see eye to eye.

"Go on, child." she patiently prompted, before closing her eyes a bit. Resituating herself, she rests her folded hands over her lap, and made sure to pay attention the best she could.


The word was so simple, and yet so confusing.

It could be interpreted as anything.

Anything at all.

Perhaps it was an answer that rested right under her nose, maybe it was something so abstract that no one else could consciously think about it. Maybe it meant absolutely nothing at all. Any way it went, the purple skinned woman looked absolutely lost, and confused. With a wave of her hand, she gestured for him to continue, if he would. Hoping to understand more.

There was a substle confusion, and ample frustration behind her obvious interest.

"Everything is subject to change." GingerBrave stated simply. "Everything we do, everything we are- is fueled by some sort of change. A difference. An acception or occurance that was different from the last. Change is the variable, and we are the factors." It was almost poetic, even if Dark Enchantress could not completely understand. "Change is one of the many truths of this world... it is always a truth, because change is about differences. Change is a truth, because it is constant in it's variation."

Dark Enchantress laughed a little bit, still confused as she tried to understand what he was getting at. She really did- but the more she thought about it, the more practical she was becoming. It was almost like an oxymoron, in a way- what he had just said. Change being a truth, because something or someone changing is a constant. A reality.

It had started to sound almost scientific, at this point. After long moments of silence, the leader of the Cookies of Darkness seemed to tilt her head a little bit, before letting out a gentle sigh. "I am afraid I do not completely understand what you mean child..."

GingerBrave laughed a little bit, despite it sounding dry. However, he smiled anyways, and looked away- letting his glance fall on the nearby wall instead of the woman nearby. "I still don't know how to completely explain it that well... but... thank you for listening to me anyway."

Both of the white haired persons sat still at the table in slightly awkward silence, before a voice came from the nearby hallway.

"Something smells good..." it was groggy, and the sound made after it seemed to be a bit of a snort- as someone was getting sleep out of their system.

"Licorice." Dark Enchantress greeted the Dark Wizard with a nod in the gray-skinned man's direction.

"So, what smells good?"

Licorice conntinued walking into the kitchen, sitting down at his own seat tat the table as he continued to wake himself up. "Or am I just going to have to wait ti find out?"

((To Be Contintued))

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