Chapter Nine: Hellscape

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Rapidly moving legs were the first thing to be heard. Slamming into the ground as the sound of roaring flames and crackling. There was a laughter rising from the smoke that followed, and the sound of even more feet hitting the hardened ground, though there was nothing to produce the noise.

The Brave Cookie quickly ducked under several fallen branches in what could pass as this hell-scape. A reddened sky, the fire that persued him, and an unseen mob, out to drag him to the flames.

It was still hard to breathe, but somehow he could consciously process that he... was breathing again? He thought he was, he could feel his chest moving. That was certain enough. He couldn't sit still and find out. He needed to avoid whatever was amoflaging itself as an inferno. The voice that taunted him continued to laugh from wherever it was- though the sound of the mocking individual rung in his ears no matter how far he got from where he was when this first started.

His feet burned.

His legs ached.

There was a pounding in his head and chest, and his line of sight was getting blurrier and blurrier. Almost nothing was able to be seein clearly. The minimal colors of the hellscape were blending together- which had nearly lead him to tripping four times now.

He held his cane close.

If he did fall, that would be his only means of defense. Even if it might not do him any good- he wouldn't go down without a fight. He needed to keep fighting, because he was supposed to be a helper for the people he had come to call family and friends.

He charged forward into battle, and into danger, because they needed him.

Like hell he was going to be taken down in his own head, even if whatever this thing was- was using one of his deepest, darkest fears against him.

'You can't keep running forever, Brave Cookie. When you slow down, they are going to eat you alive.' the strange voice teased again, nearly sounding as if they were right next to his ear. 'Why do you keep running, when you know what your fate is? You aren't of much use, you know... not here... not in the real world...' it started to talk to him in what sounded like a somewhat somber, or partially saddened tone.

Gingerbrave shook his head, before grasing his candycane harder, and using to to swing himself around what looked like a pole, before starting to run off in what looked like a thicket of charred trees, and blackened bushes.

"I don't care what you say, or who you are! You are the weak one here!" the child shouted out, before tearing up a bit. His emotions were rising from under his usually tough exterior, but he knew. He knew that he was not always the most help.

He didn't have powers.

He got sea-sick.

He felt fear, but being fearful, is what made him brave. If he didn't feel fear, then he would just be reckless. Being brave is the capability to accomplish tasks in hazardous, or threatening situations, even if he felt like he was going to die.

'Come on now, Brave. You can't keep lying to yourself.' the voice did it's best to sound some kind of sympathetic... it tried to sound like it understood. 'You know that you are not as brave as you want to be. You are nothing, without other cookies assistance. You don't have powers. You are useless in comparison to nearly everyone else.'

Gingerbrave kept running, shaking his head.

"No, you're wrong!" he shouted. "I don't have powers, but I am strong. If i am not strong, then I am at least capable of taking care of myself, and trying to take care of those around me!" he huffed, before ducking under more branches.

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