Chapter Sixty-Two: Spoken

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//So let me beeee and I'll set you freeee- I am in misery- **Insert at least 3-5 more overlayed songs for max chaos here**//


Around a table, several cookies at idle. All of them held stuff close to themselves. Including books, papers, and occasionally a snack of any caliber. The cookies all looked tense as they glance down to wherver they stood at the table- to others around the table.

Almond Cookie was standing near his chair, holding several objects as he pulled up a pair of reading glasses that he hardly ever used. However, due to the stress, it seemed that the lack of sleep and tension was causing him to feel more near-sighted than he usually would have been. Vampire Cookie was slowly drinking a glass of juice, looking around the table as he kept his mouth shut.

Surprisingly, the red haired man was sober. When sober, Vampire Cookie seemed different in general as an individual. Calm, and cold. Quiet. Based on just how often he was moving in an awkward manner- it seemed that the lush also didn't like being without at least a pleasant buzz.

"Based on all of the information we have, we were unable to come up with anything concrete in nature. Examining the crime scene several times, and looking into small pieces of evidence left behind on what little we could fine, there was minimal conclusions we could come up with." Almond piped up over all of the cookies, who sat there in contemplative silence.

This time, more cookies had joined them though. Cookies from other tribes or kingdoms that weren't commonly associated with the kingdom that most of the residents attending the meeting were associated with.

Pure Vanilla Cookie sat at the end of the table, his eyes closed as he listened to several of the smaller conversations that had been happening around the meeting room. The Ancient had been silent this whole time- as had Dark Cocoa Cookie and Hollyberry Cookie.

This kingdom was under Hollyberry's domain, ruled by Princess Cookie and furthermore supervised by unspecified individuals who reported back to Hollyberry every once in a while, due to the fact that Princess Cookie was still a learning ruler. She needed guidence, and when they were around- the mysterious cookies were there to provide it.

Considering all things now, it only made it more strange that what happened, well- happened.

"Can someone remind me what the means of matter is for this meeting?" the purple eyed ruler of the more frigid kingdom leans on his sword a little as he went to sit up in his chair. There was a cross expression sported on his brow, and his mouth formed a firm, narrow frown. It was clear that Dark Cocao was not pleased with the situation, despite having little to no information on it.

Princess Cookie cleared her throat before standing up, looking over to Almond Cookie. The tired detective gave a slight nod of his head, before letting out an exhausted exhale. With a bit of a flop, he sat down in his designated chair.

Around the room, it was easy to note that the children were not present. While they did know about what was going on, one of the adults would most likely just full them in on the information later.

Despite his better Judgement, Almond Cookie assigned Chili Pepper Cookie to look after the kids in the park. While Chili Pepper was a criminal, he knew that they had actually done well with kids before. Even being close to Gingerbrave and their team when they first met a while back.

After the suddenly diverged train of thought has been ceased, the detective started to listen to what Princess Cookie was saying to the ancients.

"Gingerbrave is missing." She didn't waste time getting to the point. There was no use in patsying around the objective, and the troublesome situation at hand. All of the cookies in the room went silent. There was a light shifting from some ends of the table, probably from someone moving their legs. "He's been missing for a while, and I apologize for not being able to get everyone together sooner."

"Gingerbrave? Are you talking about that simple little fellow who has been helping everyone around the kingdoms, dear?" Hollyberry Questioned to Princess; in which the younger cookie simply nodded her head, before looking off to the side.

"Gingerbrave has been helping and servicing me in expanding my kingdom as well as others who live in the kingdom with us. I gathered everyone here that I knew of- because of all of us- Gingerbrave is probably the one we all collectively know."

Everyone in the room nodded. They had been connected to Gingerbrave in some way or another. Be it friendly passer-by moments or those moments that mattered.

Gingerbrave had been just about everywhere and did all he could to help out everyone. A majority of the cookies in the room knew of his services and how he helped in the past. Tension or not, the child always came through and made sure to do his best to assist and protect if necessary.

"Almond Cookie found a crime scene a while back. Something we have been looking into for any sort of information- if at all possible."

There was silence across the table as several of the cookies started to talk to each other in hushed tones. Throwing out ideas to each other on what may have happened. They were stopped by a grunt, and the sound of the end of a sword tapping on the ground as a sign for them to shut up.

"Something about all of this seems to be a bit fishy. Why would it take you all so long to organize this meeting of the crime and crime scene were discovered a while back? How was he so far out of your sighs for something to happen?" Dark Cocao interjected with an ample skepticism. There was one narrowed brow over his dark purple eyes, as the other was raised in a bit of an accusatory manner.

"We continued to look into the crime scene ever since it was discovered. However, there were other things we had to come to conclusions on, and eventually admit to ourselves before we could bring anyone else in. There are currently many thnigs we still don't understand about this situation ourselves..." the pink haired cookie sighs as she clutched her scepter and brought it closer to her chest.

She looks down in thought, remembering just how long it took all of them to snap out of whatever had it's clutches over them to begin with.

It was a lot like a bad dream.

"Princess Cookie, Dear, what are you trying to imply here?" Hollyberry Cookie questioned as she grabbed her shield and leaned it toward the lip of the table with a slight hesitance in her posture. "It surely does not sound like anything uplifting."

"It isn't. I'm sorry." The younger cookie stated as she felt her chest tighten. Everyone that resided within Princess Cookie's kingdom grew tense. Either because of a slight fear, or because they were angry at something. This was noted by everyone who was not from the kingdom. Confusion amassing over all of them.

"We don't have all day. If we were rallied together for this assignment, then we shouldn't waste time." Dark Cocao interjected, before lightly standing up from where he sat down at the table before. He looked around the table, amd folded his arms over his chest with an authoritative tone about his stature. "What happened here, and why wasn't it brought to us sooner?"

Princess Cookie let out a deep sigh, before setting her scepter down on the community table. There was a darkness in her eyes, one keen with regret, and slight confusion.

"We didn't tell anyone what happened right away.. because this crime is connected to all of us in some way. We may not be the root of it, but we played a major part in it. That's all I can say..."

All of the cookies that came from other kingdoms or civilizations looked at the cookies of Princess's Kigndom. There was an expectancy. Some sort of demand for more information.

Unable to take it anymore, Purple Yam stood up, clanging his Potato Mace on the ground with a solid slam.

"What she is saying is that we're the reason Gingerbrave is mssing."

((To Be Continued))

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