Chapter Nineteen: Mercy?

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Thinking as quickly as he could, Red Velvet grunted, nearly considering leaving the child behind. He wansn't even supposed to be away from the base as it was- he had left the base, in persuit of Chiffon, who had started to act sparratically. Barking, whining, and clawing at the long bars of the sizeable yard was there for all of the hounds.

There was also a good chance that The Enchantress KNEW Red Velvet was gone..

The man had been presented with so many problems in just under an hour than he usually got in over a week.

He wasn't a healer, he couldn't do anything to fix the child, not yet. However, this young enemy of his, and Chiffon couldn't afford to stay in this area, which had proven to still be unsafe, even after the arrows had ceased.

"Foolish Child." Red Velvet grunted under his breath. "I could have handled it myself. Now I am stuck dealing with even more complications." Of course, the man didn't mean that. He wanted to find any reason he could to be angry as he covered and tried to tie off any means of blood flow the child could possibly have.

It made the Darkside General uncomfortable. The blood of a kid over his hands gave him overwashing feelings of guilt, and unpleasant shivers. How old was this kid again? 11?

Finishing typing off any means of blood flow to the best of his ability, and stent of knowledge, the man picked up the child, and looked down to him in a concerned manner. He would have no choice. Whether the other darksides liked it or not, he would NEED to take him back to the base.

Red Velvet could risk taking the child to where the Kingdom was, but, the problem was that he didn't completely know where it was himself. On top of that, he couldn't afford getting caught by the other kingdom dwelling enemies.

They would likely seize the moment to apprehend him, injured child or not.

As if on cue, a demanding, expectant voice started to ring through his head, seeming impatient, or even belittling, amidst a couple of her simple, but not so calm words.

'Red Velvet. Do you mind explaining to me where exactly you are?'

The red and black haired man admired the woman he worked for, to some extent. However, that didn't stop him from having the urge to somewhat be annoyed at her talking down to him the way she did.

The Enchantress could be quite the cruel woman, if she wanted.

Though, even if that were the case, the woman had sides that displayed rare moments of kindness that most would not ever get to become familiar with.

"I am here, Enchantress..." the man sighs within his mind, running with the cake hound, who was leading the way back to their home. The dog howled a couple of times, jumping over a few obsticals within his path.

'That doesn't tell me where you are, Velvet. I would hope you have some sort of good, if not amazing explanation, considering you are not at your post, like you are supposed to be.' to that, red Velvet sighs, shaking his head.

"I am not Enchantress. I am afraid I encountered some... truouble..." the manstarted to speak, jumping over a couple more roots that protruded from the top of the ground due to the nearby trees.

There was silence. She was clearly waiting for the man to continue his explanation.

"Chiffon somehow managed to escape the yard, and I still don't know how. I chased him off into the forest, and lost track of him a while into the chase. I did find him again, and that child that you hate was there, protecting him..." he ran around a couple more trees, and a large rock, spotting a red mark on a tree off to the left.

He was nearly there.

'Of course the blasted brat was nearby. What exactly was dear little hero protecting the hound from?' the woman scoffed within her mind as she communicated with the man. 'Wild animals?'

Growing the slightest bit more frustrated, the blue eyed man tighened his grip on the boy he held, before shaking his head.

"No. He was keeping Chiffon safe from an area that was filled to the brim with something that was producing arrows. Chiffon surely would have died, if it wasn't for him." the man continued. He quickly places his foot on top of a log that ran over a small creek, before continuing his run.

The woman's powers seemed to fade a bit, before they returned. She was silent for a few seconds, before letting out an annoyed, but passive sigh.

'Where are you now? What exactly happened?' she seemed a bit more patient, now, but there was still clear annoyance behind her voice.

"After I got there, and managed to get to Chiffon, the child was trying to destroy a pedestal that rested in the middle of the field where the arrows were all being senselessly produced. I helped him finish the job, and it got rid of the arrows. However... just before anything else could happen, he came running in out of no where, and pushed me..." the man reflected back on the event.

The boy in his arms felt cold, but he was cleaerly still breathing, as feint, and slow as it was.

However, his heart was beating faster, which was a sign of strain on the body, as it wastrying to pump blood through the body.

'Pushed you? I get the feeling there is a more solid piece to the story than that.' the woman stated in the man's mind, before Red Velvet snapped out of his small trance, shaking his head.

"Right..." Red Velvet let out a deep frustrated sigh, before wrapping his langer, larger arm around the child more, in a means to try and make sure his body was getting as much support a spossible.

Chiffon whined a little bit more, before running around a few more trees. There, in the distance, was the base that all of the Darkksides resided in together. Cake brutes, hounds, and other 'affiliats' were all there, standing guard.

"The boy ran in, and pushed me down, to protect me from something. I don't know what it was... I am assuming it is invisible. Either way... the child pushed me out of the way, and now, because of it... he has a gaping hole in his ches.t.. I don't even know how he is alive."

There was silence from the other end of the connection, again.

'I assume you are almost here?' the woman seemed to have a more calm aura to her. The tone was more thoughtful, now, than anything else.

Red Velvet grew a little anxious, before nodding to himself, and asnwering the woman's question.

"Yes, I am here... I am close to the gates of the base now... I know you won't wan't want him here, but-"

'Velvet.' the woman started from within his mind. 'Bring him to the dungeon from the back entrance. We don't need any questions. DON'T make me regret my decision. You will be responsible for guarding him after he is healed. Do you understood?'

Falling silent, Red Velvet keeps his mouth shut as he continued in toward the base, now in the yard of the structure. Several of the hounds and brutes either growled, or sniffed at the familiar scent of the enemy cookie, but they held themselves at bay.

He wasn't looking forward to this, and was still actively questioning his decision.

It was too late to turn back though... whatever happened to the boy, after he was healed, would be up to the Enchantress...

((To Be Continued))

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