Chapter Eighteen: Shield

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((Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome toooo t-t-t-t-t-t-Targetttt! **Airhorn Noises**))


Gingerbrave might not have known the darksides well... but he knew that Red Velvet had a better means of self defense, and more recision. Chiffon was his friend, and most likely his closest companion. The man had started to run acrss the field as the voice was talking to the child, and taunting him.

Gingerbrave just had to protect the hound, until Red Velvet got there...

The child closed his eyes, and took in another deep breath, wincing as the feeling of air entering his lungs expanded out his side, a twang of intense pressure was on the verge of leaving him winded.

Eventually, Red Velvet got there, seeming to be using a kind of spell on himself that deflected the arrows. It wasn't his normal power... but it was working for now, so it was better to either leave the questions for later, or not ask questions at all... the boy had more important things to concentrate on... even if it just might be the end of him.

The Brave Child looks up as soon as the shadow of the man got nearer and nearer. He didn't attack the child, though, because there was no reason so. That would only put his companion and friend, Chiffon, in harms way.

Shakily, the blue eyed kid shuffled over to Velvet, shielding the hound, as he stood, getting a couple more arrows to the back in the process.

The child teared up from the pain ringing through his body, handing the hound to the man before hurridly backing up, and coughing up more of his inner, reddened contents to the stone base of the pedestal.

'No!!' there was a loud, surprised shout from the depths of the boys mind. The voice was clearly not happy with what had transpired.

Red Velvet knew well that the spell he had managed to use on himself would only last so long. The way the spell worked was simple, in reletivity, it was contained via a controlled capsule source the Enchantress gave him.

Red Velvet watched as the child stumbled over to the pedestal, before looking around and picking up a large, jagged brick from the ground. With much strain, and efford, the kid started to violently bash at the pedestal.

'Stop! Stop it right now! You drop that brick, you little shit, or I will make sure you-' the voice suddenly went to static, seeming to have a hard time continuing the connection. However, behind that... Gingerbrave heard laughter...

Several pieces of the structure cracking and breaking under the pressure of the large brick, before falling to the ground, the feint pink glow around them dissapating as soon as they were no longer attached to the main structure.

'Hahaha! You little FUCKING BRAT! Do you--- - - - -__- - -_ _ -- - -_!! .>!@#**!""@:!!!' the words spit out by the voice were even more sour, and angered- before they too started to fall into incomprehensible static.

As soon as Gignerbrave had bashed the rock into the pedestal again- and more chunks of it came falling down- the voice was no longer static-like but it became scrambled. Full words being spoken, but they nearly seemed to be in a separate language.

The child was getting more and more tired, though. He struggled to hold his arm up to cotnue bashing down the pedestal, before it fell to his side, the object was still clearly running, but the arrows had started to slow down a bit. That was... that was good right?

Red Velvet didn't have any idea what the child was doing, but it was clearly having an effect on the arrows, which were a danger to all of them. He could have easily left, but... the child had helped to keep his friend safe. Gingerbrave could have easily let Chiffon either get hurt, or die, but he didn't. So, as an act of pity, or maybe returning the favor, he walked over, and grabbed a large rock with his larger, clawed arm.

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