Chapter Ten: Humour

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The Brave Cookie looked up to the others around himself, and he shook his head, trying to process what the others were saying. He was still a little in shock from seeing the trees, and the darkened sky above him, along with his companions.

"What...?" he didn't even finish. He just continued to flip his head around, hoping to come to a conclusion himself. Though, to be frank, he couldn't. How exactly would he explain this? Leaving his house, and waking up, surrounded by three peers, who clearly were worried. They probably knew more of what was heppening in the current situation than he did.

"Sleepwalking." Vampire stated curtly, still sounding a little drowsy. "I know that waking a sleepwalker is not a good idea, but pal, you were running off to the middle of the forest. Just what is goin' on?" the red headed cookie questioned, before crouching down a little bit. "It took us a lot to even attempt catchin' you."

The white haired cookied fell silent, before bringing one of his hands up to his skull shaped buttons. He sighs, before looking to the side. "Oh." It was simple, and distant.

Just how DOES he explain all of this?

He could say that he was hearing a voice in his head, but what would other say to that? Was he JUST dreaming? Did he need to seek help from someone who specializes in that sort of information? Maybe he heard some people talking somewhere and twisted it in his own head.

No.. that definitely wasn't it. That would be a bit too ... difficult, maybe.

He wanted to blame something on the thing he had been hearing. He didn't want to be plagued by this voice forever, but should he really go and ask others for help with something that is not even gurenteed any kind of success?

What if he wasted their time?

He didn't want to waste their time. He could deal with stuff like this himself! He was supposed to be the one helping them out, after all. He needed to make sure he helped them first, THEN he could ask for help.

He can't afford to be selfish.

There were other cookies out there that had more struggles than him! He neeed to worry about them. The others could worry about them too.

Eventually, Gingerbrave just shook his head, and sighed. The brave child standing up, dusting himself off, and smiling a bit nervously. "I guess I was letting my imagination get away from me... sorry about that, aha..." he looked at the ground, before bringing his arm up, and making a nervous scrubbing motion at the back of his cookie cranium. "I really should get that checked, huh?"

Avocado looked to the child. She knew something was wrong.

"Brave... come on... ya can tell us what is on your mind. We won't judge you.." she offered, before standing up, and adjusting her apron.

"I'm not worried about that... I just... I don't have an explanation.. that's tall." the child lied, but he maintined direct eye contact with the older female, before looking back down at the ground again, and grabbing his cane. "I can't say I know what is happening... I don't. All I know is that... whatever happened- was enough to make me sleep walk. It's not that bad-"

Custard seemed to not be budged by the explanation. The usually oblivious seeming, happy-go-lucky child maintained eye contact, nearly daring Gingerbrave to continue telling lies.

"I-" Custard started to oppose the statement, before Vampire looks over at him. "We should get you back home. It's already really early in the morning, and we all have some stuff to do tomorrow..." he gestured his head to the child, before turning to walk down the path. He decided that, if he could, he would leave Avocado and Gingerbrave alone.

They were close. Maybe, with less presences nearby, there would be more comfort inconversation. More of a solidarity of confidence.

Custard adjusted his shirt a little bit, before going to oppose again, but the red headed cookie grabbed his hand gently, and started to pull him along. While Vampire was still the slightest bit tipsy, he knew the way back tot he kingdom. It wouldn't take TOO long, despite the distance travelled.

Giving up, the younger cookie looks back to Gingerbrave one more time, before turning his head, and moving his legs faster to keep up with the purple eyed adult.

With them now out of sight, he looks back up to Avocado, who continued to give him her typical worried glance. She was silent, for a few seconds, before sighing again, and sitting down in a position that was comfortable. "C'mere pumpkin'" she pat her leg, a common gesture for someone to come and sit on it, if they needed to be close by.

Gingerbrave wasn't getting out of this one.

There was no way that he would walk away and make her sitting down to comfort him a null, if not useless gesture. That would be inconsiderate and would probably make her feel bad. He could tell the green haired woman was already stressed enough. She didn't need to watch him walk away from any signs of comfort, or worry.

Avocado cookie tried not to be pushy- but being pushy, and open for communication was in her nature.

She would always worry, but covering it up with jokes, small gestures of playfulness, and horribly said puns was part of how she coped with these feelings.

The usual arch was in her brow that followed these many gestures of the older woman.

"Haha... hey, kiddo... do you remember that time when everyone in the kingdom lined up to punch me as a joke on my birthday, a couple years ago?" she asked to the child, before leaning back against a nearby tree, the child leaning with her- a somewhat distant and cross look in his expression.

Gingerbrave snapped out of it when he heard the woman speaking again. He didn't get it.

Tilting his head, he waited for her to continue- trying to see if there was a point to the first part of the joke. ". . .No?"

Avocado cookie smiled, her large tooth showing from the left side of her mouth.

"There wasn't anything else to the story. That was the punchline."

It took Gingerbrave a moment to process what the other had said, and after he did, he nearly felt stupid.

Gently bringing his own hand up to his head, he face-palmed a bit, but he couldn't help but smile at the terrible joke the other had told him. He shook his head, in response, before looking right at her, and lightly tapping her arm, as a gesture of 'foux unamusement'.

"That joke... it was terrible." the boy stated, before laughingn a little louder.

Avocado cookie then started to smile more, joining in the small string of laughter.

"I know, I know.. but hey... I would say it hit the spot."

Gingerbrave shook his head, grinning still as he leans back into the larger cookie for warmth during this cold night. "You aren't a clown, you're the whole circus industry/"

Avocado loosened her apron, and chuckled down to him, before removing the apron from herself, and laying it over the boy, who she could clearly tell was cold.

" I try."

((To Be Continued))

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