Chapter Twenty-Three: Licorice

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Standing within a room, over a cauldron, of sorts, a gray skinned man held several estranged objects. Mumbling things to himself, despite having the slightest shaking hand, he drops the items in, one by one- the contents of the cauldron turning the liquid inside of it to many differents hues and shades.

Some estragnged. smaller creatures lingered near the man near the cauldron, producing some kind of sound as some communicated amongst each other, in their own little ways.

Placing one more thing into the bubbling liquid of the hot cauldron, the same man stepped back, laughing as somethign started to rise from the non-solid substance that occupied the cooking space.

"Rise! Rise, my creation! Come to me!" the thing rising from the cauldron looked at the man- it was odd, and disfigured- it seemed more like a crytpid, than any sort of living creature that could be identified.

That made Licorice grimace a bit, before he went to continue goading the present creature to come from the pot of which it was borne, and walk around in the world that it was now within. However, this only made the estranged figure nervous, and without time to spare, the creature sunk back into the liquid within the cauldron, no where to be seen or heard.

"Blast." the man grumbled to himself.

He had spent a lot of time working with the arts of Black Magic. Whereas he had avoided genuine error, or critical fail with this practice, the man knew not to take these magic spells slow, or to be too terrible reckless.

Just as he went to go and purify the cauldron that his previous spell had been created from, there was the sound of several barks, a whine, and scratching on the door of the man's quarters.

This nearly made Licorice fall forward from the sudden noise, however, the amber eyed man caught himself, and regained his composed, despite still sporting a look of ample annoyance across his features.

He slumped over to his door, before opening it, seeing the diturbed cake hound, who was whining a bit, tapping his paws on the ground near the doorway, as if he had tried to dig his way into the room.

Licorice would normally be put off guard by these actions, considering the fact that the hound didn't seem to like him too much- though- on the same note, Chiffon was never aggressive with him either. The hound simply avoided him, was all.

Licorice wasn't a dog person. He had nothing against them. He wasn't really a cat person either. He preferred birds.

"What do you want you yammering hound?" the man questioned somewhat impatiently down to the seemingly quarrelsome quadruped. "If you heard something from in here, know that it is already-" before he could continue, the hound grabbed onto part of the man's robes, before starting to tug. "Hey, Hey! Stop that-"

The hound the let the man's robes go, before starting to trot off down the hallway, coming back to the door after several paces, to imply that he needed the man to follow.

Then, it hit him.

Licorice was told by the Enchantress that the child brat that they had several encounters with was now here- being held captive, it seemed. He went ask ask hwe how he got here in the first place, but the woman never answered his question.

In fact, it seemed that The Enchantress was purposefully avoiding it. Being as he was her suboordinate, he was never in the position to press for information. Even if everone that worked under her did have oppertunities to voice their own opinions, ad thoughts.

"Fine, fine. Lead me to the problem, just stop making all that racket. I can't think with you barking and whining, and Pomegranate is probably going to come storming out of her room any moment if you don't shut up-" the hound was instantly silenced, before starting to trot down the hallway- going in the direction of the prison, which would lie along a secret passage.

Licorice would admit that he didn't look forward to having to follow the hound, though, that was obvious at this point.

For all he knew the child had escaped, and was now on the loose somewhere, which would mean there would only be messes to clean up. What a pain in the ass...

Pressing onward, the black haired man started to make his way into the room that was reserved for the secret passage, which really just looked like an unused study, of some sort. Chiffon simply squeezed behind the door, whereas, the dark magic user had to move the shelf, and move it back, before continuing on.

Contiuing down the staircase, they took several turns, before finally arriving at the somewhat chilled cell block.

To his surprise, and slight relief, Gingerbrave was still in his cell.

This made the man sigh as a slight bit of tension left his shoulder. That, however, was dismissed by the awkward positio the child was laying in on the ground, near the cell door. It didn't even look like the child had attempted escape.

Chiffon started to whine again, before pawing at the bars of the cell, and trying to stick his muzzle under the bars, sniffing at the boy that was contained behind them.

In slight annoyance, Licorice finished walking over to the child, before shaking his head. "Hey, you- kid- get up. Stop ignorin' the dog, he's making a racket because of you." the words started out tough, and somewhat condescending. However, the overlay of tough emotion was soon broken through- as a feeling of uneasiness settled over the man.

He was fairly sure it wasn't him ACTUALLY caring about the kids health, it was likely him just not wanting to face reprecissions of anything that can or may happen if the purple skinned lady-leader of their party found out something was wrong, and could have possibly been prevented.

"Kid, get up. I don't have all day for your games." the yellow eyed man walked over, to the area right in front of the cell- Chiffon whining more as he stepped out of the way, barking twice, before going silent, save for the constant, anxious movements.

Crouching down in front of the cell, Licorice instantly feel back- the child was clearly awake, and aware, but he was staring at the ground and blood poured out of his nose- Gingerbrave was covering his ears and it seemed that hose nose had been bleeding for a little while now, at least, as an alarming amount of it was now on the floor around his head.

"What the fuck...!?"

\\Please Note: Alright not everyone remembers these tidbits, or even knows this- but as I stated before, I write the cookies to have 'Human Like Features' but they are still cookies- meaning yes, they do have lips, noses, ect. This is mainly because I tried to stick true with cookie anatomy before, and it just wasn't working for me, lol.//

((To Be Contined))

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