Chapter Twenty: Scarred

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((That's why I looooooove- Nestle Crunch.))


Hurrying through the hallways of the dungeon, Red Velvet made sure to get the child in his arms to the nearest medical ward. It would be surprising, that they even had medical wards in the dungeon. However, they weren't barbarians. They were keeping prisoners, if they were ill to the point where they could infect others, it would be best to medicate them.

They hadn't had prisoners in a long while...

Not that having prisoners was ideal, by any means of interpretation. Keeping prisoners was just as exhausting as fighting them was. Especially if they were the stubborn kind.

This child was surely going to be one of those prisoners who would be crafty enough to try and find ways out. That was part of what worried Velvet the most. If he was stuck there, looking after the boy, and making sure he didn't escape, anything that did happen when he was on guard would lie over his name.

After finding the appropriate room, Red Velvet set the surely dying child down on the table, before walking over to a glowing candied rock, of some kind. He picked it, up, and cracked it open over the gap that rested in the boys chest.

The red and black haired man nearly looked away, in all honesty.

Even in all of his years of fighting... and sometimes dealing immense damages- he had not been able to see that much of a cookies inner contents trying to pour out of them.

He didn't even remember seeing so much blood when he had done critical damages to enemies in the past.

The dust from the cracked healing candy, as it was called, absorbed into Gingerbrave's blood, and within a few seconds, the healing candy started to get to work, doing it's job.

At first, changes were minimal. There was only some much healing candies could do, after all. If they were used to heal EVERY little thing, it would eventually become ineffective to the recipients body, and be no more useful that dirt.

Eventually, any 'organ-like' structures were healing themselves. The muscles, jam and ingredients of the child slowly rebuilt any internal bearings they had to, while the magic was still in effect.

As this was happening, though, the Enchantress walked itno the room, her typically red eyes looking down to the man in an expectant, somewhat impatient manner. She certainly wasn't thrilled. Not that Red Velvet blamed her. The aged woman absolutely hated the child.

Nearly with a burning passion.

She wasn't a coward though. Maybe it was because of personal pride.. maybe it was because of little bits of pity she held. She would nearly never give the time of day to an injured opponent who couldn't fight back for themselves.

"What a mess you have gotten us into, Red Velvet." the woman noted, in a somewhat cold, and somewhat distant tone, before she paced around the unconscious Brave Cookie that lie on the tabletop.

The corner of her mouth went up in what could maybe even be assumable disgust.

The man just sighs, nodding to the woman, before giving a small, quick sorry.

Both of them watched Gingerbrave's body continue to heal itself. The purple skinned woman tapped her staff on the ground which made the candy's magic start to work a bit faster within the child.

"What a bothersome process. It always takes forever." she stated to herself.

Chiffon was curled up in the corner of the room, watching The Enchantress and Red Velvet. The hound whined a bit, but quieted down a bit when the woman's cold gaze barely started to look in his direction.

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