Chapter Thirty: Pensive

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//**Crashing noise** Oh no.... our author... they're broken!//


The blood had clearly been there a long while before he even got there. More than a day, easily. However, there was no sign of Gingerbrave anywhere in sight- not a hyde nor hair of him has been found as clues.

The man would hate to imagine something bad happened... but... what should he think.

Feeling his stomach turning, he closed his eyes, and shut down his negative thoughts, before doing his best to swap over to his more detective-like mentality. He would need it, especially if he wanted to figure out what had happened. He had to walk back across the field to retrieve one of his more important tools.

Picking his jacket back up from where he had abandoned it a while ago, to traverse the field in the first place, he sought out a specific tool that he almost always had on him.

His stenograph and a blue pen.

After clearing his mind, the man jogged back over to the crime scene, before starting to write stuff down. He made sure to note important things he saw, including the blood, the pedestal, ad arrows that lie embedded in the ground, or in the trees at the line of which they were fired.

Normally, it would be in his best interest not to disturb a crime scene, unless there were other workers there with him. However, he was trained in all fields, because he was the only officer the Kingdom had. So, it would be alright.

He started to try constructing a scene in his mind, which was hard to do, seeing as he still had no idea what kind of condition Gingerbrave would have been in by the time he even got there. With the amount of arrows fired through, it seemed that they were set to rapid fire.

It was surprising that there were not more substantial amounts of blood found within the grass on the way up to the stone platform.

Perhaps the boy had made it through most of the field before he even got up there to the platform of which the pedestal stood. Maybe he got hit early on, and more movement caused more serious bleeding where it would have only been a moderate injury otherwise.

Two hours passed.

Strained hours of surveying, and making sure not to disturb the scene, to the best of his ability. Writing down everything he found. Frankly.. he didn't find much. In fact, he found very little. He had really just spent so much time there, because he was nearly desperate to find more leads.

With nothing more than the information he had armed himself with, his coat, and his worry, the olden detective started to make his way back to the kingdom. It felt as though it was taking longer and longer to get there.

Every path he stepped on, despite familiarity, felt as though it winded on longer than it needed to. Like it extended, somehow. Everything within time crept to a crawl, producing nothing more than headaches, and doubt.

An unknown amount of time passed since then too... and, with a tilt of his head, the aged man saw the gates of the Kingdom, and the bridge he needed to cross to get in there.

Surely, he would need to gather everyone together at a better hour, and hold conderence with them. Meaning, it was likely that he was going to need to talk to Princess Cookie first, so she could situate a better meeting place, and time, rather than straight out of the blue.

Almond doubts he was going to have much more information than he had now...

No matter the case, he needed to prepare. He couldn't afford to waste much more time than had already been burned.

Spotting Knight cookie standing right by the gate of the kingdom, Almond took his chance to walk up to the man. "Knight cookie. I require your assistance." he curtly stated, before letting out a deep sigh. "It is important."

The man looked over to the older detectice, immidately taking notice that the situation was either going to be serious, or dire. Hopefully the less negative of the two...

"What can I help you with, detective?" Knight cookie asked, before adjusting his helmet, and shifting his stance from one foot to another. He kept his hand on the hilt of his sword, he always had. However, he started to drum his fingers a bit, a sign of slight anticipation.

"I need you to relay a message to Princess Cookie for me, if it is not of inconvenience. We need to set up a kingdom meeting, because there is some very important information I need to share regarding Gingerbrave... can you do that?"

Almond closed his stenograph, before storing the small hand-sized notebook back on the inside of his jacket.

For a brief moment, Knight cookie seemed to be a bit hopeful. There was slight interest in his eyes as he perked up.

"You found him..!" looking around, Knight settled down a bit, before shaking his head. He already knew he had not seen the child there when Almond was approaching. If Almond had found him, there was no way that he would be returning alone, unless it was very serious. "Nevermind... sorry..."

Almond only held up his hand to keep the other a bit more quiet.

"I will keep it short... I haven't found him. The only thing I foud was a bunch of blood in an area that he had mentioned to us before- but we were unable to find. I don't even know if it is his. I am only assuming it is. Even so... the place is a crime scene, and the others need to know that there is an ample chance that he... may or may not be alive." the olden man adjusted the collar of his coat one more time before fixing his tie.

Knight cookie looked a little defeated at the very idea of the child either being dead, or still missing with no idea WHERE he could be.

"I will let the princess know right away."

((To Be Continued))

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