Chapter Fifty-Five: Ovenbreak

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(("Tonight we feast- JUAN! We don't use hot sauce!" - "... Just a lil bit."))


The Darksides watched as the memory around them seemed to speed up. It was gradual, but most of it was Gingerbrave trying to persuade the other baking cookie children to get up, and try to escape.

Around half way through the memory, the cookies of darkness took notice of a very familiar form. A cookie child with sleepware- including a nightcap. This child looked so much like Gingerbrave, one could call them twins. Other than the clothing choice, they held the most similarity.

Eventually, the memory of Gingerbrave had awaked the sleeping cookie, who seemed to be a bit out of it. The one and only cookie that the child had managed to get to stand, and move with him.

Gingerbrave watched from where he stood next to Dark Enchantress, his expression resting in both sadness and defeat. Off in the distance, the memory played the two boys talking to each other, constantly shifting their feet to keep them from burning more.

"C-come on. We have to try. There is no way out... we can do it... I promise...!" the ghost of the past placed his hand on the slightly slumpier cookie's shoulder with a gentle pat. A small smile formed, trying to be as comforting and helpful as possible. "What do you say... Dozer? Please. We gotta try...!"

With a nervous yawn, and a slight whine of discomfort from dozer, the shorter cookie nodded in compliance. It took him not long to look around, and try to piece some more stuff together mentally.

"How are we going to get out?" it was interruped by pained coughing as the more drowsy child rubbed his eyes, trying to keep himself from crying.

Gingerbrave brought the other close within the memory, and brought him into a hug. Currently, the wall they were standing near was the most painful thing.

" I think I saw something moving around out there... maybe if we make noise we can be let out...?" Gingerbrave offered as he too started to cough a little bit from the dryness of the oven. "We aren't anywhere near big enough to move that door..."

The other child seemed to stare for a moment, before shaking their head. "If there is something out there that is big enough to open that door, then it is likely that they are the reason we are in here to begin with..."

A moment of silence ensued between the two in the memory as Gingerbrave considered the options and weighed them mentally. An exasperated sigh soon escapes him.

They didn't have options.

They needed to make the options for themselves. If they waited for opportunity to knock, it would be too late.

"Maybe if we... throw stuff at the door, it will make enough noise?" Gingerbrave offered, as he looked around. They were surrounded by limited options. Other than their clothes, and some buttons, they didn't have any major accessories.

Looking down at his shirt, the memory projection of Gingerbrave used his tembling arms to pull three buttons off of his shirt- leaving two left on the cream-colored garb.

Dark Enchantress watched in interest, noticing how the boy she knew had only two buttons on his shirt. These two buttons were in different places now- mainly impying that they had been removed and resewn onto the shirt in places that would keep the shirt together correctly.

Within the memory, Gingerbrave took a step forward, before chucking the object forward, right at the metal door of the oven. The sound it made when the two items met was louder than expected. Giving a solid dinging sound upon collision. Nothing seemed to happen after that, though. There was no movement, no questions, no pondering from the other side of the hell that Gingerbrave and Dozer were enduring.

A frown on his face, and a small grunt of discomfort, he threw the next button at the door with more force, nearly slipping and falling forward, over the end of the cookie sheet and onto the bars that the flat metal torture device lied on.

Dozer started to lean forward, exhausted. With an air of slight panic, Gingerbrave leans down, and lets Dozer get on his back, before standing again. The painful sensation on his feet bleeding through his thin 'shoes'. With double the weight, and minimal movement- the bubbling on his limbs grew harsher.

Deserpate, the memory of Gingerbrave threw the last button toward the door of the oven. His button bounced around a couple of the structures that held the oven, before falling inside of a hole.

Wavering, frightened sighs escaped both of the boys as Gingerbrave shifted his feet again, and looked around for something else to use. Desperation was clear on his features. Despite the hot atmosphere, blistering cold sweat fell down his forehead.

Just as he started to carry Dozer to look for more things to throw, there was a bunch of clanging heard. It sounded like something was bouncing around, though there was nothing else to be seen.

Withina few seconds the door at the front of the oven suddenly lost all of it's stability, and it collapsed open, slamming the front and handledown on the floor.

No time was going to be wasted.

Not eve thinking twice, Gingerbrave started to make a mad dash toward the now opened door of the oven, securing his stinging arms around Dozer's legs as the other cookie did his best to hold on without tightening his grip to hard.

More... just a little more. Keep running. Don't stop.

Aching feet slammed down on the cookie sheet- before going to the bars that the sheet rested on top of.

It was a clear struggle, Brave Cookie struggled to keep his balance as he traversed the thin, burning metal. However, if he held still, he could possibly find his feet baked to the bars, and unable to move. This all would have been for nothing.

It was close now- the feeling of cooler air.

Both Gingebrave and Dozer could smell it. They could taste it. It relieved what little bit of their burnt skin as it reached, even if it was just temperary.

It was a long jump they had to make. A large, dangerous leap to freedom. If they didn't go, it would be all for nothing. They would have wasted all of their efforts, and gained nothing. If they jumped and failed.. then- at least they tried...! Right...?

"B-Brave slow down- that's a big jump, we can't make it- we can try to find someway else down!" Dozer called, half awake, as he tried to bring himself to be more aware and alert.

"We don't have time. Hold onto me, okay? I promise-" The brave child slowed down, taking a deep breath and he tried to bring moisture back to his mouth. He swalled hard, and blinks a couple times. "I will protect you. I promise. Hold on, and don't let go. Please, promise me you won't let go!"

Dozer looked at him in silence, and closed his eyes as he shakily nodded to Gingerbrave. "I promise."

With that, Gingerbrave let go of one of Dozer's legs that were wrapped around him, and grabbed his hand. "Let's go.."

Closing his eyes, and speeding up, 'Brave slammed his foot down on the front of the wire rack in the oven, and used all of the built of momentum to take the leap from the oven.


(To Be Continued)

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