Chapter 2

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I woke up in a strange room. How I got here was a mystery to me. I was only in my bra and panties. I raised myself into a sitting position on the bed and squinted my eyes so that they could get adjusted to the lights pouring in from the windows to my right.

Once my eyes got adjusted to the light i could get a better view of my surroundings. I pulled the sheets to cover myself just in case anyone came in. The room was spacious. Well not as mine and the girls' room but eh it was close enough.

It had high quality furnishings. There was flat screen HDTV on the wall opposite the bed. To my left was a glass door which I think led to the balcony.
I got off the bed letting my feet touch the nicely tiled cold floor still inspecting the room.

That's when it hit me. "Oh My God!!.. The Girls! Where-..! M-my clothes Oh God! Calm down Arya. Just breathe." I murmured to myself. I always called myself by my real name when alone. Same as my brothers.

I put my hands on my head letting all the crazy thoughts bombard my mind. "Oh God what if I was kidnapped? And the kidnappers cut me up and stole my precious organs?! Oh no!" I put my hand under the sheets and onto my stomach to feel for any cuts or bandages. "None. Phew.! That's a relief.

Wait but what if they drugged and brought me to their evil lair away from prying eyes to finish the job?!" Ok now you're just being silly Arya. Would a kidnapper's lair have a king sized bed or an air conditioning. Obviously it wouldn't have glass windows. It'll probably be dark and cold and stinky " that little voice in my head argued.

Yeah you're probably right. I should probably stop thinking about that. "OK so where is this place? Why can't I remember anything from last night if it was last night and why is my goddamn head pounding so hard??" I spoke out loud to no one in particular so I was so frightened when I got an answer.

"Well that would be a hangover from your excessive drinking last night." The voice said and I knew the person must be behind me. Slowly very slowly I turned around. Him. Its Him. The guy from the club. The bartender.

Immediately I felt my mouth dry, my knees ready to buckle up underneath me any second. He was right in front of me. He stared at me for a moment then started walking towards me.

"No no no don't come closer." I shouted then picked the lamp on the bed side table with one hand while holding the sheets with the other. "Or I'll hit you I swear." I added swinging my arm with the lamp back aiming for his head.

"Whoa hold it sweet cheeks." He said holding his hands up as if surrendering.
"If you know what's good for you don't come closer or I swear I won't hesitate to hurt that pretty face of yours."

"Oh so you think am pretty?.." He drawled out as he stopped walking then crossed his arms over his chest.

"C'mon put the lamp down. If I wanted to hurt you don't you think I would have done that already while you still were sleeping?? He said sounding as if bored by the whole situation.

I thought about what he said over. "Yeah maybe you're right" I said resignedly. I was being too dramatic. So I put back the lamp on the bed side table then held the sheets tighter around myself.

I turned around to face him and ask about my clothes but the words died in my throat when I became aware of the low hanging shorts and a very lickable naked upper torso.

"Ahem! Like what you see?" He drawled lazily flashing me his set of pearly whites.

"Uh haha pff I'm not- I'm not haha. Never mind me. I said nervously as I rubbed the back of my neck.
"You're that bartender right?" I asked changing the topic.

"Yes. Name's Zeke Hail." He answered offering his hand for me to shake.
"Oh uh I'm Nebular Brookes. I answered shuffling in my feet then shook his hand wearily.

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