Chapter 24

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Everybody has them. We all have different reasons or intentions behind every secret we keep under lock and key.

Some secrets may be too sensitive to be shared, others, too embarrassing. No matter, we go to great lengths to make sure that they never get out. We tend to ignore them instead of acknowledging them, that sometimes we ourselves actually forget they are even there for a while.

But the thing with secrets is that they have a tendency to weigh on our subconscious, guilt trip us into admitting them to the next person who probes and never lets go.

But then, once they are finally out in the open, the relief that washes over you is like a balm. You may feel refreshed. Like you are a new person after unburdening yourself of the guilt of having to bear what you had in your consciousness.

It hurts having to keep things from the people you love. Especially if that person has been nothing but loving and kind to you. Having to lie directly in their face without even batting an eye lash.

Having to put up an act. And a believable one at that! A facade that fools everyone, that you yourself start believing the made up bullshit you spew to people left, right and centre!

And no matter how shameful, ridiculous, embarrassing, hurtful or stupid the secrets may be, they will come to light sooner or later.

Well, I hoped mine would have been the latter in this case. It would have given me more time to cherish the little time that I had with my beloved.

It has been a few years since Zeke, Hailey and Tiffany found out about us. The trouble we were currently in, the people we were trying desperately to not attract attention from and everything in between.

It is a funny story, how they found out I mean. It was from an argument I had with my mother. After she met Zeke and immediately took a dislike on him based on I-have-no-idea-what!

Anyway, I did not even have time to explain the details to Zeke because he was gone the next day without a word. No text, no call, nothing. He simply vanished. I used every resource I had at my disposal at the time. Well, which were not a lot, given I still had no complete control over what I did or said or ate or even wore. Courtesy of Mother Dearest!

Anyway, I did find him last year. But he was at a place I could not go to. But it did not raise my hopes and put myself up for more disappointment. I am simply letting things play out at this point.

I took over the company two years ago. And I must say things have been working in my favor albeit some struggles here and there but I have good advisors helping me along. Namely Tiff and Hails. Oh and Mother too. If there is one thing we could both agree on was the well being of the company. She has been a valuable asset to me regardless of our differences.

After graduation a few years ago, Mother made us move again to California, where I was able to take over from her as the CEO. She also bought a house-a mansion in Beverly Hills, where we all lived happily ever after. Yay. Such a happy ending.

As for Tiff, Hailey and I, we bought another less conspicuous house in Los Angeles. Away from Mother and near our place of work. I'd say it is a win win situation. Ha!

Monday morning, as early as six am and I was already at work seated behind my large mahogany desk in my office going through paper work and finalizing important business deals.

It was around eight when Hailey walked in, Tiff right on her heels.
"Hey boss, morning?" She greeted after seating her ass on my couch at the other side of the room.

"Hi Kitty." Tiff said.

"Good morning to you both. You are fifteen minutes late." I pointed out after glancing at my wrist watch.

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