Chapter 22

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Two years ago, Washington
Nebula's POV
"Why are you always disobeying me? I think I have warned you so many times about going off alone without one of the guards. This is not New York. You have never been here!

You wouldn't know what danger lies around every corner, Daughter! So for once in your life, would you just listen to me already?" Finished mother.

She had gotten angry after I had gone out on my own earlier. In my defense, I had only gone out for a walk nothing more. Besides I had not even gone that far. She's making it sound like I walked all the way to Vancouver! Argh! Seriously!

"I apologize mother. It shall not happen again. May I be excused?" I asked. I had learnt the hard way to address my mother with utmost respect. It is what she expects her children to do.

It was hard at first, most especially for me, but I got the hang of it in time. It was almost like second nature to me now.

I went ahead and proceeded to my room after her nod of approval. I did not waste and second as I climbed the stairs two at a time all the way into the safety of my room. At least I could be alone with my thoughts for now.

I took out my phone and opened my gallery on my favorite album; the one that contained pictures of before when my family had been whole, the time my mother smiled more and was warmer and easier to talk to.

I scrolled through the pictures absent mindedly, I hadn't even noticed when the tears started falling. I quickly wiped them and looked at one last picture. It had been Christmas. I was only eight years old. Were all seated under the christmas tree.

All wearing faces full of joy. Even mother was smiling lovingly at her husband. Their hand tightly clasped together. It was my favorite picture of us. It always helped me face the hard truth that my father was gone and he was not coming back.

And he seemed to have taken my mother's heart with him because she had never been the same. It was the last Christmas we had spent together. The last time our family was happy. And I missed it more than anything.

I threw my phone on the bed after one last glance and headed to the bathroom for a hot bath to wash away the memories. It was simply too.much to remember them. Remember him. But am atleast grateful for the pictures I have of him otherwise I think I would have forgotten his face.

We had only been in Washington four days and I was already bored out of my mind. I mean there were so many places I could explore but instead I was stuck at home with babysitters.

Mother had gone off to another one of the meetings. I honestly do not even know why she brought me along on this trip because she always attended the conferences without me.

I had been left home alone with Nathaniel. My mother's most trusted guard. He has been around for as long as I could remember.

"Come on Nathan, we've binge watched every movie we could get our hands on. I want to go out now." I complained.

That had been the cycle over the last few days after mother told me off the first day I went exploring. Now I was trying to get Nathaniel in on it too. I mean she would not be mad if I went with her most trusted person now would she?

"Come on. Please? Pretty please? We won't even venture off far. Just a few blocks. I promise. I saw a really cool restaurant down the road. I bet it serves good food. Mother will not be hear for at least another couple of hours and we would be back by then." I said.

"But she specifically said to not go anywhere." He countered.

"No! She said not to go anywhere without you, which I'm not planning on doing cause I'd rather stay in her good graces for the rest of this trip." I finished.

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