Chapter 16

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"Besides, why do you want to ride the horses, when I've got something more interesting that you could do just that?" He said smirking. Oh my gosh!


"Are you going to look for the owner or not?" I asked ignoring his comment.

"The horse's name is Axel, and no you can not ride him." Said a new unfamiliar voice, cutting short my jovial mood. I turned in search of the new comer. 

Can't ride him? Is he being serious? How can I not ride him?   I was about to voice my thoughts out loud when I turned around and came face to face with an old man. Obviously not what I had expected. Seems like a lot of unexpected things were happening to me that day.

He was supporting himself using a crutch on one arm. He wore dark blue faded T-shirt and some khaki pants hang loosely on his lower body as they were supported by a worn leather belt and a pair of timber land boots covered his feet. 

He had dark hair identical to Zeke's save for some few white strands here and there. He seemed to be in his early fifties if I were to guess. Is he his dad or grandfather maybe? I'll go for grandfather due to the wrinkles showing on his face and hands.

"Excuse me what?!" I asked instead. His facial features morphed from stern like to mischievous in a flash. 

"Kidding." He said and broke out into a toothless grin. 

"Pops!" Zeke called as he extended his arms to embrace his grandfather. 

"Hello grandson. How are ya? Ya finally decided to come see ya dear old Pops huh?" He said with a tinge of hurt.

"Oh come now Pops, you know I've been busy with work and all. Plus dad and the whole company situation is not making it any easier on me." Zeke answered.

"Your father's still at it eh?" Asked the old man.

"You know dad already. How he's like. He won't stop until he gets his way. And its either his way or his way." Said Zeke emphasizing the last part as his grandfather nodded in understand to whatever silent message that was.

"I tried talking to him ya know. But that brat son of mine never listens to his dear old dad. I'm old and useless to him now it's no wonder he dumped me at this orphanage. Not that I'm complaining son. 

I mean I love this place and I've grown to love those bloody kids as if they were my own. But sure would be better to have my dear old son with me . All he cares about is that darn company of his." He ranted. His voice got scratchy in the end as he eventually broke out into a coughing fit.

Zeke rubbed his back comfortingly until he eventually stopped coughing. I had honestly thought they had even forgotten I was there with them until Zeke looked at me and smiled ruefully.

"Pops let us leave the matter about dad aside for now all right? Clearly it's upsetting you and that is the last thing that I want right now. Come on, there's someone I would like you to meet." Zeke said as he motioned for me to closer.

"Pops this is Nebula. Nebula this is my, grandfather, Santiago Donovan" He introduced.

"I'm very pleased to meet you, Mr Santiago. Uh I apologize for my earlier behavior. I was just excited about the horses. Last I saw one I was five years old." I explained as I extended my hand to shake his. 

"No need to apologize my dear. I'm the one who should be apologizing for scaring you earlier. And you need not to worry dear, the horses are mine and of course you can take them for a ride if you like. Just not little Axel over there. He's still too young. Was only born the other day.

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