Chapter 34

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"Can I have my hand back please?" I asked, eyeing him dead in the eyes.

He abruptly released the hold he had on me as he let go of my hand hesitantly.

"As I said, you can have a seat, or remain standing, I couldn't be bothered to care. Either way, let's get this over and done with. I've got other places I need to be." I said stoically as I sat down in my chair.

Zeke cleared his throat as he loosened his suit buttons and took his seat.

"So let's talk business." I smirked.

"I heard from Tiffany about your proposal. And might I say, it is quite the offer. There's just one tiny detail I'm yet to comprehend." I said.

"And what would that be?" He asked. It was the first time he had spoken since he came here. Just hearing his voice made me almost choke on my saliva.

I had forgotten how deep his voice had always been. How his smooth bariton used to calm my nerves. But at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to scream at him. Yell at him to give me an answer as to why he had left me all those years ago.

But I resisted the urge. Instead, I leaned my back on my chair and relaxed, or tried to at least pretend he was not affecting me in the slightest way.

"What do you and your company stand to benefit from this proposal of yours?" I inquired.

"If my memory serves me right, -oh and it does-, your father made the same proposal to mine. What makes you think I won't turn you down the way my dad did yours?"

"Because you need me." He started. "I have been keeping tabs on you and your company, Arya. I know the amount of money you lost. And I am the only one who can save you at this point." He finishes. Looking very smug and confident might I add.

I wanted nothing but to wipe off that stupid smug look on his stupid handsome face.

I chuckled at what he had said. Oh, men, I tell you! Always thinking that we can't do anything without them. Very sexist if you ask me.

I twirled a pen casually between my fingers as I looked at him, like the stranger he had become, and saw nothing of the old Zeke.

"Is that what you came here to tell me, Mr Donovan?" That I need you? Wow!" I was seriously at a loss for words.

"I have a trust fund worth five hundred million. My mother owns chains of restaurants all across Europe and even Asia. My brothers have an art gallery and make at least ten million every three weeks. And this building, including the chair you're sitting on, the air you're breathing inside this premises belongs to me!" I finished.

"So let me rephrase that for you Mr Donovan, I don't need you! You need me!

You say you've been keeping tabs on me? Did you do some digging about that? Or were you too busy thinking I still missed you" I asked sweetly. Sarcasm dripping off every syllable.

He remained calm. His features perfectly schooled not to give away the turmoil wrecking havoc in his mind. But he couldn't fool me. I knew him once like the back of my hand.

The clenching of his jaw and the slight ticking of his veins on his forehead did not go unnoticed by me. I would have bet that his hands had been balled into fists under my desk.

Too bad I didn't have Supergirl's x-ray vision because it would have come in handy at that moment.

"What?!" I asked nonchalant.

"Cat got your tongue? Hmm so you have nothing to say! Nothing at all?

Hmm, you didn't think this through before coming here did you? Or did you just think you knew me that well? Well, I guess we're all full of surprises huh?"

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