Chapter 15

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I turned my eyes away from the crowd and that's when it occurred to me that I was alone in the confinement of the car with Zeke.


I suddenly felt self conscious and lowered my eyes to stare at my black polished nails instead.

"Wow, she is scary all right. Remind me never to piss her off." Zeke said suddenly as he chuckled to himself.

"Who, Hailey?" I scoffed. "She is the opposite of scary. But she can be threatening sometimes. But I would have nothing to worry about if I were you. Clearly she likes you so relax you're safe I promise." I reassured as I chuckled too.

"I'll take your word for it. If your friend threatens people she likes then I'd hate to be somebody she hates. She's okay I guess. Well when she's not trying to cut peoples' testicles off." He said as he eased out of the Mall's parking lot and back onto the highway.

"Yeah. You'll get used to her I promise." I said. Then we were back to being silent and me back to staring at my nails the only noise from the car.

"So I'll uh go ahead and assume that black is your favorite color?" He suddenly spoke, breaking the silence that had descended upon us.

'Huh? Uh yeah." It was totally unexpected but my lips pulled into an involuntary smile earning a hearty chuckle from Zeke. "Is it that obvious?" I asked rhetorically.

"No shit! Girl have you seen you? You are basically covered in black from head to toe save for the hair though. Of course it's not that obvious." He finished the last part with a dramatic roll of those blue eyes. Is he trying to kill me?

"Okay you've made your point. I mean who doesn't love black? It's black! Besides do you know what they say about girls who love black?"

"No? What do they say about girls who love black?" He asked back.

"They have a sensitive nature, they have the most colorful minds, they take themselves seriously, they try to protect themselves from a lot of negative emotions, They are confident in themselves. I mean I could give you a thousand reasons. But most importantly, Black is modest and arrogant and lazy and easy-but mysterious too. But above all Black says; DON'T BOTHER ME-I DON'T BOTHER YOU." I finished with a sigh.

"Wow. That was deep. I mean I didn't know that such a color could be super uh intense?"

"Great. Now you think I'm weird." Great going Arya. 

"What no! I don't think less of you than I did when we met. If it counts I actually think you're an amazing person. There is nothing that you'd do or say that'll make me think any less of you Sunshine." He said looking at me straight in the eyes and I lost all sense of speech. Like the words literally died in my throat.

"Uh-huh. Hmm I think you're handsome too." I blurted out before I even processed what I had just uttered. My hand immediately raced to cover my mouth as an unexpected chuckle escaped my mouth. What is wrong with me? Is my filter broken?

"Uh sorry what I meant to say is thank you. Not that I don't think you're handsome- you totally are but I didn't mean to say that out loud. I was just thinking about you-it-I was thinking about it and it just sort of came out. And now I'm rumbling. So I'll just shut up now. Yep." Way to go Arya. Maybe you could just bore him to death with your endless banter. 

To my surprise he burst out into a heart felt laugh then said,"yep. You are totally worth keeping. Oh come on don't feel embarrassed Sunshine. You are free to tell me how handsome I am any time of day." He assured.

"Yeah that makes me feel so much better." I said rolling my eyes. "So where are we going again?" I asked.

"You'll see. Oh and I hope you love kids." Was all he said.

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