Chapter 11

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My heart skipped a beat.

"How did you get my number anyway?" I asked to try changing the subject.

"Hailey" was all he said. "Oh right. Should have known you too have become besties."

"She likes me. Well at least I think she does. She can be a bit intimidating though." He said.

"Yep. That is Hailey all right. But you need not to worry. Seems to me you are already in her good graces."

"Well lucky me then." He added chuckling to himself.

"So do you often peck strangers in front of their angry looking brothers?" I don't even know why I asked that,  it just sort of came out.

"Nah. I just really like pushing your brother's buttons. Plus I have honestly wanted to do that since I met you. And some other things I can think of." He answered making me feel giddy all over again.

Come on girl. Say something.

"Uh haha" was all I could say. Seriously!

"Will I see you tomorrow?" He asked hopefully. If I accept to meet him tomorrow, he will see my bodyguards then he will think I am some spoilt rich brat. Nope. Not happening.

"I uh..I have school tomorrow. I sort of have this math test actually, w-which  I am totally not prepared for but still can't miss." I lied.

"Test you say? Well now that is just odd isn't it?" He said making me raise one perfect eyebrow in confusion.

"What is?" I asked.
"Well my sister happens to be in the same math class as you and she has no clue about any math test you guys are having." He explained. Busted!

"Oh well uh maybe she forgot or something like that you know." I answered.

"Forget? No way. My sister never forgets about tests. Something to do with her loving things that challange her or something of the sort.
I personally think she just likes to rub it in peoples' faces just how smart she really is." He said.

"Well here is an idea. What time are you having your 'test' tomorrow?" He asked. Stressing the word test. I could honestly picture him air quoting it with his index and middle finger.

Does he ever give up? He's making it harder for me to lie to him.

"Uh around two in the afternoon." Liar!!
"Oh that is great then. I could just pick you up say at ten, maybe even help you prepare for it. I don't mean to brag but math was kinda my thing back in highschool. So what do you say?" He offered.

"I would really love that. Seriously I would. But I don't think I can make it. Rain check?" I asked.

He let out a dejected sigh sounding defeated then, "yeah...yeah that is fine. Sure." I have a feeling he was just saying that. And now he's making me feel worse for lying to him. Am done for. Fuck!!

"Uh you know what? Change of plans. I'll come over at ten. Oh and do not worry I know how to get there."

"What about your brothers?"
"What about them?"
"Won't them be mad if you leave again? To see me none the less."

"The won't if I take Hailey and Tiffany with me.I hope it's fine with you that they tag along. Besides they do not need to know that I'll be meeting up with you now do they?" I asked.

"Oh so you're ashamed of telling your brothers that it's me your're meeting huh?" He asked sounding hurt.

"What! Oh no no no that is not what I meant." I quickly said. Before I know it I hear laughter drifting off from the other side of the line. You have got to be kidding me!

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