Chapter 27

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Unknown POV
Still a few years ago
"Baby, it's been three days. Won't you come by my house today at least. I miss you so much." Murmed Elsie. It was Friday evening and I had already left my office for my house.

I was still in my study as late as ten o'clock as I went through my company's financial documents. As it were, we had been experiencing a loss in the past couple of months.

Business has not been as it used to. We were losing clients and investors were backing out of their deals.

If we didn't find a solution soon enough we would lose everything. And that was something I just couldn't let happen. All scenarios ran through my head as I pictured what it'd be like if we went completely bankrupt.

"Expect me then. I'll be there in a few minutes." I said then disconnected the call.

I put my phone back on my desk then continued scanning through the papers. I needed at least five hundred million to get my company out of debt.

Then it hit me. My poor excuse of a father had put up trust funds for my kids and they could only access them when they came of age. Which am pretty sure have outgrown it.

All I need to do, is get access to them. That it self was going to be a not so easy walk in the park. Mainly because my children hate me!! It's not my fault they had never been more like me. After all I did for them. Ungrateful brats.

My son's trust fund has more money than my daughter's. Ao he had to be the one to be used. All I had to do was get leverage over him. A damn atrong one at that.

Well might as well go to Elsie's and blow off some steam. I begun putting away the papers I had been ao deeply engrosed in and headed for the door once everything was in place.

I reached the drive and was about to enter my car when a voice stopped me.

"Where are you going at this time? Surely it is not the office!" Scoffed my wife from where she stood at the door.

I rolled my eyes then got in my car and turned the key to start ignition. I closed thw door and said to her without aparing her a single glance, "we've never really been a couple, wife. No use to start now! Don't wait up." Then I revved the engine and sped off.

I was halfway to my destination when I got another call. It was Diego.

"Talk fast am driving." I said lowly.
"I just sent a picture to you. I found your son. He's living in New York at a small house near the ocean.

He's working at a local club called Pandemonium. Him together with your daughter are also attending a local highschool there.

The private investigator also found out other things I think are best said in person. It's related to the picture I sent you. Just look at it when you get to where you're headed." He finished.

"Alright. Thanks." Was all I said before I hung up the call and dialed another number.

"I want you naked when I get there." I said to the other person as she took in a shuddered breath then sais ok.

I sped the rest of the way given the roads were less busy at this time.

Once I got to her house, I parked my car and all but jogged into the house in anticipation of what awaited me inside.

I got in and found the house dimly lit as if it too knew what was coming next so it prepared the preferred atmosphere.

I didn't have to go in further before I found the object of my impatient mood. It was like I couldn't get to the house fast enough.

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