Chapter 42

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I want to die while you love me,
While yet you hold me fair,
While laughter lies upon my lips,
And lights are in my hair.

I want to die while you love me,
And bear to that still bed,
Your kisses turbulent, unspent,
To warm me when I'm dead.

I want to die while you love me,
Oh who would care to live,
Till love has nothing more to ask,
And nothing more to give?

I want to die while you love me,
And never, never see,
The glory of this perfect day,
Grow dim or cease to be!

**Georgia Douglas Johnson**

Nothing could have prepared me for Zeke's kiss. Absolutely nothing! Our lips were in perfect sync.

I don't even remember when I had moved myself to straddle his hips. My hands were fisted behind his head, deep into his black hair as his held me by my waist.

I thought I would never ever feel like that again. I thought I would never again be able to kiss this man.

It was safe to say that it felt better than before!



But even those words could not do justice to what it felt like to be finally in his arms once again.

It was a stolen moment. But that did not matter at the time. All that existed was us. Him and I.

Zeke and Arya.

Just like before.

But no. Nothing was ever going to be like before. He had changed. I changed. Things changed.

He was a married man. This was not supposed to be happening. No matter how good the kiss felt.

No matter how he felt, how right it felt to be with him once again. It wasn't right at that moment.

The feeling of his hand under my top as he caressed my back made me shudder out a breath but it also broke the stupefying haze he had induced on me.

I broke the kiss, then pushed myself off of him. I could tell he had not expected it since he easily let me off.

"No! No! No! Fuck!" I exclaimed.

I moved and sat where he initially was, on the other side of the limo. There was a glass filled with some liquid and I hoped to God it was scorch.

I took it and downed it in one full gulp not bothering to ask what the hell it was. But by the burning sensation at the back of my throat, I knew I needed more of it.

"Stay away from me!" I stated calmy. But I was anything but calm. He knew that. Without a doubt.

"You should never have come back here. Why did you?" I asked.

"It's comp-" he started before I interrupted him.

"-complicated." I said.

"You wouldn't under-"

"-understand. Yep got it"

"Would you stop doing that?" He groaned as he ran a hand through his hair that looked disheveled. I could vividly remember myself running my fingers through their softness.

"Oh fuck! What did you do with my clothes!" I asked shocked, after only registering at that moment that I wasn't in the attire I had left my house in, that morning.

"I told you to wear something comfortable. I meant some shorts and a Tee. Your other attire was not what I wanted you to wear to this dinner." He stated casually.

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