Chapter 25

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Back in my room at home, I let myself fall face first against my pillow as I let out a scream I was holding.

I let the pillow muffle the sounds so as not to attract Theo and Gennie's attention.

I felt like letting myself succumb to the urge to just break down right then and there and just cry my longing heart out. The feeling was so strong that it nearly broke my resolve.

But I had promised myself that I would not shed a tear. Not for anyone. Not again.

I got up from my large king size bed and took my phone out from my purse and made a call.

"Hello. Yes it's me. Uh could you please have something ready for me right away?"

"Yes. The usual. You can deliver just like I told you too. It's only me and my guards at the house."

"Okay. Bye."

I disconnected the call and took my work clothes off. This was so not how I had hoped my day would have played out. I started pacing around my room in only my panties and bra as I thought about the million scenarios how Zeke's re-appearance could make everything that I had worked so hard to achieve could go down the drain.

I was still deep in my head that I did not even notice when Theo had invited himself in.

"Is this a bad time?" He asked as he popped his head from the door to peer in.

"Oh gosh. Yes it's a bad time. I would like to be left alone please, if you don't mind." I replied dryly. I wasn't even bothered by the fact that I was almost naked. It wasn't like he hadn't seen me totally naked before.

"Thought you might say that. Given how disoriented you looked when we left the office. Is anything the matter?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and let out a breath. He took that as a confirmation and proceeded into my room shutting the door behind him.

He came and stood on the path that I had been pacing along blocking me with his hand on my shoulder.

"Stop pacing. You'll only tire yourself out." He said as he cupped my cheek with his other hand.

"That is exactly what I want. I can't have you here right now. I need to be alone! I need to think! What I need is for my goddamn package to get here already!!" I exclaimed.

"If you just want to tire yourself out, I have a few ideas on how we could achieve that." He said hoarsely. As good as his offer sounded. Sex was the last thing on my mind at the time.

"No, no, no! Theo! You are not listening. I cannot be with you right now. I-I don't even think I can anymore!" I said as I removed myself from his arms and put a reasonable distance between us.

"So this is how it's going to be? After everything we have been through? This is the time you're choosing to end this?" He asked incredulously.

"I don't think you understand Theo. Things have just got more complicated than before. This-" I said as I pointed between us. "-whatever this is between us has to stop." I finished. A look of hurt and anger flashed across his eyes but he blinked and it was gone.

"Wait, are you getting mad? Hold up, why are you mad?"
"I am not!"
"Oh yes you are! Theo, we agreed on this. We said no strings attached when we decided to do this. You are not allowed to be mad when I refuse to sleep with you." I said.

"I remember what we agreed upon Nebula. And I alao remember agreeing to always be there to support you." He said as he got closer to me once again. He caressed his hands on my bare arms causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

He moved his head closer to mine that the tips of our noses where touching. "This is what I can think of right now that'll tire you out until your knees go weak and you are unable to stand." He whispered.

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