Chapter 26

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A few years back
"What has got you smiling so goofily about?" Tiffany asked me as she walked into the kitchen in the hotel's pent house.

I had just hung up a call from Zeke. Jesus that man! Who knew I would end up falling for him like this? It was unexpected. This had not been part of my plan.

Everything had been going perfectly for the last couple of months. I had already graduated from high school despite the little ups and downs.

Including not one but three suspensions from school. I know what you're going to think. That three suspensions are just too much, but I am not to be blamed for anything.

My principal was an ass. What kind of teacher in their right mind would look over a student's misbehaviour simply because they are the school's golden kids???

That was exactly what the douche bag did. The football jocks. All high and might, walking around school with their rock hard muscles and bulldozer bodies thinking they have the absolute right to judge and bully the others because they come from well off families.

Well maybe they thought that that attitude would have gotten them anything or anyone but not me. I would not be cowered into the wall simply because they wanted room to pass through. Who did they think they were? The angel of Death? Puh-lease.

That fateful day in school, when they tried to scare me off thinking I would run for the hills in hysteria. Boy how mistaken they were. It was just after a Biology class. I was on my way to put my books back into my locker to head for lunch when I saw them.

They were on the other side of the hallway across the sea of people as everyone prepared themselves to head for lunch. The minute they were noticed they walked and shoved people off their way like they owned the building and it just pissed me off.

Especially how the poor unsuspecting bystanders were caught in their stampede. Students parted like the red sea as they came through. I on the other hand, was not fazed. Not in the slightest.

After all the crap I had been through in my life, a couple of low life adolescent football jocks did not scare me in the least. I told you, I have been in many defense classes. I was pretty certain I could hold my own.

Besides, it wasn't like they could just beat up a girl in front of all these witnesses. I just stood there with my books clutched tightly in my hands as they walked and stood right in front of me. Hailey and Tiffany had stayed back to ask some more questions to the teacher while I, all but ran out of there as soon as the bell went off.

"Well well well! If it isn't little Miss Detail!" Said Dylan. One of the football jocks and the Alpha of his deranged pack.

"Well well well, if it isn't Satan's Favorite Spawn of Evil!" I retorted. Dylan's eyes narrowed at my comment then sized me up and scoffed immediately concluding I was not worth the effort.

Feeling's mutual bug head!

"You have a death wish, don't you Brookes?" One of the other bug heads, Tyler was his name I think.

"And you have a stupid nose job Tomato, uh tsk Tyler was it? Sorry I just can't seem to get your name right! I am like that towards irrelevant people." I said as I faked a yawn.

"We don't have time for your stupid girl drama. Move out of our way Brookes before I break something!" Dylan sneered.

"Look at you. No no. Just do it guys look at him. Go on everyone." I hollered to the assembled crowd in the hallway.

I moved closer to him with my 4"9 height that was being assisted by my ankle boots but still came nowhere near the stupid matt in front of me.

"I know to you that might have sounded like a wolf's howl, but to me sweetie it sounded like a Chiwawa's whines. And the only thing you're going to be breaking here Dylan is your ego. So I suggest that you get out of my so I can get to lunch.

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