Chapter 10

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"Ryder, Genevieve, meet Nebula." Tiffany introduced. Ryder stood from his chair and walked towards me.

He had forest green eyes, a sharp angular jaw and long brown hair which fell over his eye at the front. He waved a hand and smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile awkwardly back.

" I'm Ryder this is Genevieve Blaise. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said in a deep baritone, and offered his hand for me to shake.

The girl; Genevieve, came to stand next to him. "So you are the famous best friend huh. Nebula was it?" She asked crinkling her face as if in deep thought.

"As you've been told. I'm Genevieve, this goof's sister. Younger sister. The douche next to you is my cousin." She added pointing at Theo beside me.

Well she looks friendly. I looked at her then Ryder. The resemblance was pretty obvious. They both had the same hair color and eyes.

"Pleasure meeting you."She said shaking my hand in hers.
" For a girl who seems the same age as me you have a really strong grip. "I teased.

" See. Even Nebula's noticed it too. "Ryder chimed in.
" Shut up Ryder! "

" Hey Be, who's that piece of walking wetness? " Tiffany asked making Theo's cheecks redden with embarrassment. Is he blushing!
Oh no shit. If I weren't already interested in someone I would have maybe even be interested in him.

Tiffany looked at Theo inquisitively, then as if all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place she widened her eyes.

"What was that name again? Tim... Timmy... Thor..." She guessed. Ah geez. I face-palmed myself already bored.

"It's Theo you weirdo." I said before she continued making a complete fool of herself.

"Ah yes Theo. That's right. Sorry about that. I'm a bit forgetful.

" Huh. You don't say."I chimed in, sarcasm dripping off every word. Okay I really need to find my freaking phone.

" Tiff, have you seen my phone anywhere? " I asked.

" Um no I don't think so.. No.. Why? "She asked back. If I tell her that I'm expecting Zeke's call I will never hear the end of it.

" I.. Uh.. I just need to call mom. Yeah that's right. I kind of miss her you know?" I lied.

She narrowed her eyes at me as if she could see right through me.

And as if on cue, I heard the all too familiar ring of my phone. I quickly hurried to my bedroom following the sound there and found it on my bedside table.

Picking it up I saw the number on the screen as an unknown one. Who might it be? I was told to never answer unknown numbers.

Maybe I should just ignore it. But what if it's Zeke? If I decline his call what is he going to think of me?

Wait since when do you care what guys think of you Arya?

Taking a deep breath I prepared myself then pressed answer and put the phone to my ear.
Then I heard the voice of the person that was going to be my undoing.

"Hello Sunshine?"Came the deep husky voice of his. And my vocal cords chose that moment to fail me.

At that moment every trouble of mine was forgotten. The sound of his voice was all I could think of at that moment. Clearing my throat I answered.

" Uh hi... Hey Zeke? How are you? Are you okay? Did you get home safe?" I asked all in one breath. I have never really been the shy type of girl. I have been in alot of places in the past ten years.

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