Chapter 49

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I twirled the pen between my fingers as I absentmindedly went through the documents on my desk. My mind was back in that room. My eyes, they could no longer see what was in front of me, except for my father's slumped body as the life quickly drained from it.

I could vividly see as he struggled to fight off the men who had ambushed us, as he pushed me under that table to hide me from them.

It was a memory I did not want to remember, neither was it one i would like to forget. It was one of the things that pushed me everyday.

I shook my head to momentarily push the thought to the back of my mind. I needed to focus on what was in front of me. Currently, there was a meeting already ongoing in my conference room. It was about the big event that was to happen the following weekend and I was trying my damn best to stall, as much as possible. I really was not in the mood to face entitled asses today. Not in my current mood.

And trust me, I wouldn't know what has gotten me in a foul mood myself. I guess it was just one of those days.

Just then Hayley waltzed in through the door. Not even bothering with trivial things such as good etiquette like knocking at her boss' door before letting herself in.

"Hey boss!" She greeted.

My answer was an eye roll and a scoff.

"Geez. You're in such a cheery mood this morning darling." She said.

"Do you have something to tell me or did you just come to ruin my peace?" I asked.

"Hmm, let me see... Do I have something to tell you?" She said deciding to play stupid.

"Really? Okay. Get out!"

She laughed. And laughed again. Then again.

"Argh Hails I really am not in the mood right now."

"Yeah. I can see that. Well maybe this piece of news will cheer you up." She said as she paused for dramatic effect.

"Well...Out with it already!" Geez.

"Calm down Godzilla. Sheesh. You know, you look more beautiful when you smile. You could scare your own child off with that resting bitch face dear." She said matter-of-factly.

"Okay Hails I have had enough. Either say what has brought you here, or leave." I said sternly.

"Was that supposed to frighten me or something?" She said.

"You are so impossible sometimes, you know?" I said, as I put my head in my hands.

"Okay, I've tortured you enough for now. So I just came to tell you that Zeke is in the conference room already, with the other douche bags." At the mention of his name. my pulse spiked as my heart skipped a beat. That was enough to throw my bad mood out the window.

I quickly got up from my chair and headed for the door, with a chuckling Hailey following behind me.

The moment I walked into the large room, my eyes were automatically drawn to his, like magnets. And for a moment, it was just us in the room. I subtly smiled at him with my eyes. I knew he could read the message in them.

"I missed you"

I shook my head and proceeded to my seat at the end of the long table, Hailey sat on my immediate right.

Zeke was some few feet away. But I still could see him.

"Finally, you grace us with your presence!" Said James Walters. One of the douche bags.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

"A disappointment!" I answered nonchalantly.

I eyed him challenging him to say one more word. He averted his eyes and looked at the documents before him, suddenly picking his interest. Smart!

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