Chapter 5

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"Well Sunshine you just provided me with the most spectacular view to always look forward to. Looks like you've made it your job to amuse me huh?" He drawled in that deep baritone of his.

We stood there staring at each other for a moment longer and after what felt like an eternity later he raised an eyebrow as if waiting for me to answer a question he had asked. An answer? Wait did he ask a question? I was so deep into this stupid staring contest that I didn't even hear him ask.

Maybe I should just ask him to repeat his question. Nope definitely not doing that. He might think I'm deaf. No offence to deaf people anywhere. I'll just answer him how I always do when my mother gives me one of her lectures.

"Uh of course...not." I squeaked the answer. I pushed my still wet hair out of my face to behind my ear and rubbed my face absentmindedly then forced a smile. He eyed me s if trying to figure me out.

"Don't do that Nebula." He spoke suddenly after a pin drop silence. It was the first time he'd said my name out loud. It was damn good hearing it from him. And this time I got his question. 

I tried not to get side tract by the way my name trailed off his tongue. He made my simple name sound what was that word again?

"Don't do what?" I asked. He took a step towards me, speaking softly as he did.

"Don't" step "force" step "yourself to smile when you are with me." Now he was less than a hand's length from me. Our toes almost touching. He moved even closer then raised his hand brushed the back of it over my cheek.

He bent his head as if leaning in for a kiss making my heart skip a beat. I was so not prepared to be kissed by him but I was not about  to turn away. Instead he bent his heard to the crook of my neck. I was a bit startled by this but I quickly reigned in my nervousness.

I could feel his warm breath, tickling my skin. Then I heard him inhale deeply. What was this guy doing to me? He was stirring up feelings inside of me. Ones that I had denied myself to feel ever since my dad's death. 

I was about to voice out my thoughts when he beat me to it. "Sunshine what are you doing to me huh?" He cried out. His voice huskier than normal. Its totally sexy as hell. God this is such a turn on. Gosh stop it woman. Don't think of that.

 Maybe he has a girlfriend. And maybe she's away right now and you are just here to keep him company. Maybe he just wants to fuck you and throw out once his girlfriend returns. 

Or maybe he is just a good guy who does an honest job to get by and saw a drunk girl who needed a hand and decided to bring him to his house and make her brunch and even goes as far as lending her some clothes too.

This has always been my problem. I've been an overthinker for as long as I can remember. My mother always tells me to relax and think of the here and now. Live in the present and  leave the past alone but sometimes it gets a little difficult to do that.

Especially when the people that killed your father are after you too. I think I deserve to overthink Just a little bit.  

"Since we met last night I can't seem to get you out of my head." He continued. "You are all I can think about every time I close my eyes. I know its kinda creepy and all since we only just met but.. I... I just can't help it. I'm sorry Sunshine. Forgive me if I've scared you. I just don't know if can control myself around you. Especially not when you're dressed like that." He finished pulling away to look at me.

I have no idea why after hearing him say those words made my stomach clench in excitement. Almost melting my heart.

Keyword almost.

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