Chapter 47

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"How dare you?!!" Exclaimed Diego as he burged into my office in the house. Well this ought to be good.

"Good morning to you too sunshine.

"Cut the crap man. I know what you did! Why did you steal Elsie from me? You knew she was with me yet you still pursued her! Tell me why?" He shouted.

"Well first of all, mind your tone when you're speaking to me. I still am your boss!" I started.

"Second of all, I did not fucking steal anyone from you Diego. I didn't have to. In fact, she came to me willingly!" I added with a mischievous grin on my face.

"And you're one to talk. Did you really think I wouldn't find out about your little hook up with my wife? I n my own house?" I sneered as I rose from my chair and rounded my big mahogany desk to where he stood on the other side fuming.

His face was devoid of all colour in an instant. But he quickly recovered. Did he really think he was being that discreet? He had suddenly become speechless. And here I thought he had so much to say!

"Cat got your tongue?" I asked, as I stood right in front of his face and stared at his square in the eyes.

"If you're gonna fuck my wife, Diego, make sure it's not in my own fucking house! That's really low even for you!" I said lowly. "Now please, if you have nothing else to accuse me of, you can go back how you came!" I said in dismissal.

"Just so you know man, your wife was the one who came at me. I didn't even realise what I was doing until it happened. You have to believe me." He pleaded.

"Oh I do believe you. You should believe me too when I say Miss Fuentes was the one who came at me and not the other way round." I added with a smirk.

"I never really thought much about having friends, Diego. I have adversaries,  frenemies, acquaintances and maybe colleagues. But you, Diego, I considered a brother. But you know what 'brother'? Life is full of disappointments and I add you to the list." I said making him look down uncomfortably.

"Now if you really have nothing more to say to me, I still have work to do." I said. He turned around as he walked to the door but stopped right before he left.

"Just so you know man, I really regret sleeping with your wife. You have to know that. Before you decide to hate me, I'm still a man and my self control can only be stretched so far.

"I never claimed I was a saint either. Let us be professional from now on. Oh and a little tip, Fuentes knows that you had a fired. And she is not that pleased might I add. Now I know what drew you in. I've sampled what she has to offer and let me tell you, she really is exquisite!" I said chuckling.

"You're sick man. You need help! Am done with all this shit! Am out!" He said right before he slammed the door shut.

I smiled to myself at his last pathetic remark as I downed the liquid in front of me in one gulp.

"Well, if you're out then you're out!"  I said out loud before I broke out into a sadistic laughter. I took out my cell phone and made a call. She picked on the second ring.

"He's out. You're up!" I said and hung up.



I hang up the call and readied myself. I put on the gloves I had bought as I watched the man I had once upon a time taken to my bed, leave the mansion of my current lover.

I stepped on the gas peddle as I followed him drive away. There was no way I was losing him. It's due time he paid for his crime. He was the reason my Nana was gone. And he was gonna pay for that.

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