Chapter 9

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Oh gosh no Will you did not just fucking do this!

"My what?!" I exclaimed. "You have got to be kidding me. Are you guys for real. Please tell me it's a joke cause it's not funny. It really isn't.

Will you seriously hired me a bodyguard even after I told you I didn't need one." I accused.

Whereas Jack was the temperamental one, Will was the cool but stubborn twin. It always took alot to convince him once he set his mind on something.

Sometimes you may never be able to. I've always thought his stubbornness was a good thing though. How he doesn't easily let people in. How he's always miraculously calm during disasters while Jack's always ready to bite off the head of the next person that pisses him off.

Will never let anybody close, neither to him nor us. It is beyond me how he got used to Hailey and Tiffany being around.

"That is exactly why I hired him. Them, infact they are three. Two males and a pretty female whom I think you'll get along really well with." He said.

"But Will, you just ca-" I started but he immediately cut me off mid sentence.

"No Nebula. I've already made up my mind. And there's no changing it. Besides having them around is for your own good. You as well as I know that for a fact." He finished.

"Jack come on. You can't do this. I'm not some baby who needs babysitters. Hailey and Tiffany are already babying me enough. I don't need more adult supervision." I countered. Throwing my hands in the air as my voice rose an octave making Hailey cringe inwardly toward my behavior.

" Kitty enough. There's no fucking way that I'll get rid of those bodyguards and that's final." Will said. His voice one with authority. That meant there was no room for arguments. Even Jack wouldn't dare speak against him.

Ah for the love of Christ!

"Jack?" I called.
"Sorry Kitty. It's already been decided." He answered with finality. Hammering the nail on the head.

"Argh I fucking hate this!"I shouted. I didn't give a flying fuck that I was acting childishly at that moment. I made my way through the door and to the hallway making my way towards the elevator.

Once I was out on the hallway I saw the guy Hailey had mentioned well at least I thought he was.

He was blonde. Dirty blonde to be exact. His hair was neatly shaved at the sides with the middle neatly combed back. Huh. Well he is kinda cute.

He was in a dark blue Burgundy suite and some very expensive looking shades cover ed his eyes. Wonder what they were for when he's inside.

Well I was not able to make out the color of his eyes due to the glasses. Oh what if they were blue. Like Zeke's. Oh I do miss those icy blue eyes. Snap out of it Arya. I shook my head and gave my focus to they guy in front of me.

"Ahem." I cleared my thought getting his attention. Or maybe I already had it.

Why does he remind me of the guys who left my dad's office in a hurry the night he was murdered?

As quickly as that though came to mind, I shook it away. No. It can't be. I remember that day like it was yesterday. None of those men had blonde hair.

"Are you okay Miss?" I was jerked out of my train of thoughts.

"Uh yeah. I am. So uh what are you doing standing here?" I asked.

"I was hired by Mr Brookes to be his sister's bodyguard. Whom I'll assume is you." He answered.

"Oh well, mr.."
"Call me Theo."
"Mr Theo.."
"Just Theo"
"Just Theo. Your assumption is correct. I am his sister. Name's Nebula. But my friends call me Be." I introduced myself. Extending my hand out to shake his.

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