Chapter 21

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Nebula's POV
What? Do I have something on my face?!

"Oh sorry. Uh no there is nothing on your face. I just really like the color of your eyes." He had said.

I sat there in the car silently as we waited for Haily to make an appearence all the while smiling goofily to myself at Zeke's remark.

Oh gosh that man sure knows  his way with words!

Zeke had recieved a phone call earlier when we were back in the orphanage. He seemed to be really uneasy afterwards. Like something was bothering him. More like it was eating him alive! Maybe it was his girlfriend! Shut up!!

I took a few deep breathes to even my breathing so he would not notice my erratic heartbeat like a caged rabbit.

He had said that it had been his sister who called him about some work they had to do for the family bit did not dwell much on the issue. Just subtly changed the subject, with that charm of his, sure it was no big deal.

I did not care much anyway the minute she told me who her sister actually was. I mean he had mentioned that she was in my math class but did not actually name her.

She was my number one enemy. No wait back up, enemy number one was my dad's killer. So I guess she comes in after him and his henchmen. No problem though, she still was an enemy nonetheless. And as such, I treated her like one.

Mean comment for mean comment, word for word. There was no way I could let her bully me like she did the other students in school simply because she was popular! I had no flying fuck to give about her popularity. Popularity be damned!!

And where the heck was Hailey???

"Ah there she is!" I exclaimed as I pointed her out to Zeke amongst the crowd.

"Oh sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." I apologized after startling him with my sudden exclamation.

He smiled ruefully and said, "It's all right Sunshine. Let us just wait for her to make her way to us so I could get you guys home on time before your curfew." He said.

Suddenly I saw him looking through the rear view mirror to a car, a familiar one, very familiar, that was parked right behind us. So much for remaining unseen.

Who the hell in their right mind parks their car behind someone they should be staying completely out of sight from??

My body guards apparently!! No, that was not the right time for him to find out about them just yet.

So I quickly took my phone and angry-texted Theo to park a little bit further away from us but still where he could easily see us. Thankfully, he obliged and drove away right when I thought I saw Zeke unlock his door.

He would find out about them, eventually, but it was not yet time for him to. We had not even been on a real date yet. Alone, that is. This was hardly a date.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm a bit late. I got held up with something." Said Hailey after she had gotten in the car.

"I can not believe you! You have the audacity to be late after telling me to hurry up!" I scoffed and folded my hands across my chest.

"Yep. Do you have a problem with that!?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Oh my gosh!!" I exclaimed. Calm down. This is not the time nor place to throw a tantrum.

"Zeke, let us just go before I bash someone's head in!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, let's! Chicken!" Snorted Hailey under her breathe  clearly. I knew she had every intention of letting me hear it.

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