Chapter 44

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"You have no idea how much I dreamed of this moment. When I would finally be able to hold you in my arms again." Said Zeke.

It was still dark and we were still in the woods. My earlier fears of being attacked by a Grizzly Bear and mauled to death were still there, but his presence was comforting.

"Well why did you stay away then?" I asked as I made small circles on his chest.

"It was never my intention. I had to. Sweetheart you have to believe me. There are lots of things I had to do. Sacrifices I had to make in those six years so that I could protect you. Everything I did was for you. Only you.

I exist only because you do. Don't you get it? You are my life Arya! I would rather die than see you miserable." He confessed.

My heart nearly gave out from his confession. I felt a tightness on my chest just from hearing him say those words.

I looked him in the eyes, and all I could see was pure sincerity. I never really could recall an instance where Zeke had ever lied to me.

"I believe you. I always do." I admitted.

"Are you going to tell me what kept you away from me?" I asked.

"Yes Sunshine. I will. But not right now. I don't want anything to ruin this moment." He said as he laid a chaste kiss on my head.

"You do know we are laying naked in the middle of nowhere, right?" I asked.

"And there is nowhere else I would rather be." He answered.

"You know this does not mean that I forgive you, by the way."

"I know."

"I still hate you for leaving me. Whatever your reasons were."

"I know."

"You're a dickhead."

"I know." He repeated, chuckling.

"Did you ever think of me at all?" I inquired softly as I avoided his piercing gaze.

"Every second of every hour, Sunshine. You never left my mind. The thought of you was the one thing that kept me going." He answered.

"What about your wife?" I asked. He released a breathe then ran his fingers through his hair.


"Do you think I didn't notice the ring you were wearing the last time we saw each other?" I asked.

"It's not that I was hiding it from you baby, I just wanted to be the one to tell you myself. Gently."

"Excuse me? In what universe is you married to someone else going to be gentle to me?" I asked.

"That is not what I meant and you know it."

"No. No, I don't know. All I know is that you just cheated on your wife with me. Oh God, you just made me your mistress!" I exclaimed.

"Would you stop! You are not my mistress. And am not really married. It's just a facade, Sunshine. If I am ever going to get married it's going to be with you. Do you understand that?!" He asked as he raised my chin so I could face him.

I stared at him since all words had died at my throat at first.

"Yes. I do." I answered honestly.

"Good. Now tell me about Domino." He coaxed.

I couldn't help but smile at the mention of him. He was my soul. He had changed my life from the moment he was born.

"He is the sweetest boy I know. He has your eyes." I started.

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