Chapter 33

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Six Years Ago
Nebula's POV
"Meet me in the lobby in ten minutes." Said Zeke through the phone.

Damn that man. Even after I had told him I was grounded, he was still looking for more reasons to get me in trouble.

"Okay." I answered with a smile.

It was ten pm and Mother had already excused herself to her room.

My brothers and Hailey and Tiffany were busy playing Scrabble in the game room or model of one, in the pent house.

"Hey guys, I'll be right back alright!" I hollered across the space from the door.

"Where are you going? Take Theo with you!" Will, hollered back.

I rolled my eyes at his overprotectiveness.

"I'm not leaving the premises! I'll just be down at the lobby! You can call Felicity to confirm if you like?"

"No need. Just be back in ten minutes or I'll send an entire unit to get you!

"Whatever!!" Was my answer before I walked out the door vaguely hearing Hailey's cry of triumph. Looks like she had bested the three dimwits for the third time in a row.

I took the elevator to the lobby only to find Felicity alone at the reception desk.

I looked around the space but found no sign of Zeke's silhouette anywhere.

Now where is this gorgeous bastard? I thought to myself.

"Looking for me?" Asked a presence from behind me making my soul almost jump from my body. Almost!

"Oh My God!!!" I shrieked. My hand flying to my chest. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack you dummy!" I exclaimed as I turned to face him.

"Relax Sunshine. You're not dying on my watch. Not when I have air in my lungs." He said. Gosh this man.

I knew my face was betraying me.

"You're cute when you blush!" He teased, popping my nose with his index finger.

"I am not cute!!" I exclaimed haughtily. Crossing my hands over my chest.

"Oh yeah, what are you then?" He asked smirking.

"Did you just call me hear to tell me the obvious or is there something else?" I asked pretending that he was not affecting me in the slightest bit.

"Oh so you do accept that you're cute then?" He probbed. Still not letting it rest.

"If you must know, I'm not cute! I'm bloody gorgeous!!" I said. Flipping my hair over my shoulder.

He smiled. Showcasing those beautiful dimples. And I almost peed my pants there and then.

God it should be illegal for someone to look that hot!

"Are you just going to stand there and smile at me all night or are you going to tell me why the unexpected visit?"

"So I was thinking-" he started. He cleared his throat then rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

I smirked at his reaction. "Why are you getting nervous suddenly?" I pointed out shamelessly.

He bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing then squinted those blue orbs at me.

"I would like for you to go on a date with me!" He said.


"A-a date date? You mean just the two of us? No old people or children or animals or anything? No offense." I said.

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