Chapter 48

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ANTONIO'S POV (Arya's father)


"Daddy look. Raphael made me a bracelet. Isn't it pretty?" Chirped my seven year old daughter as she jumped up and down on her heels. 

I rounded my office desk and went to where she was. She was such a bundle of joy with her platinum hair and her little sundress with Mary Jane shoes.

She had been bought over to the office by my wife Danny so we could be able to spend time together even though it would only be for a short while. 

"That's beautiful Cakes. Did you tell him thank you?" I asked as I knelt down to be eye level with her.

"Uh huh. Isn't it pretty daddy?" She repeated. 

"Of course Cakes. A pretty bracelet for a pretty lady." I said as I picked her up with me."

"Are you hungry? Mama said she's gonna get you something to eat. Should we wait for her or should we follow her?"

"Yay. I want ice cream!" She exclaimed.

"Then let's go get ice cream." I hollered as I carried her through the door. Just as I was about to close it behind me, I get stopped by someone who I knew awfully well.


"Tony, can I have a minute?" He asked.

"I don't know Mr Donovan, do I have a minute?" I asked back with a raised brow.

"Come on Tony, this would only take a minute." He added.

"Hey sweetie, why don't you wait out here for daddy? I will only be gone shortly." I said to my daughter as I put her down.

She shook her little head okay as she watched between Edward and I with a confused look. I could tell she hated the sight of him. Me too Cakes. Me too!

I got into my office again as he followed behind me and closed the door.

"What is this about?" I started.

"You know damn well what this is about! You knew that I wanted that deal. You knew that my company needed that deal. But you go right in and swooped it from right under my nose." He said sneering.

"Is that what brought you all the way here?" I started.

"I stole nothing from you Edward. You lost the deal all on your own. All I had to do was watch you from the sidelines as you screwed up your one chance at becoming a billionaire. I did what I had to do. You would have done the same. You lost because of your own incompetence and your employees'. So if that's all you came to say to me today, you wasted my time and yours too. Now please if you could excuse me, you can go back how you came." I finished.

He squinted his eyes at me as his jaw was ticking. I could see him try to not show the way he was grinding his teeth together as his hands were fisted on the sides.

Finally, he regained composure of himself as he started walking back to the door. "Watch your back Tony. You're not untouchable." 

"Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"Think whatever you want. I'll see you really soon." He said before he walked out the door. I wasn't really afraid of him. I was afraid of what he'd do now that he lost all that money he had invested. He was like a wounded animal. And I knew him all too well. He always had something up his sleeve. 

It was time for me to take precautions. Especially for my family and little Arya. It was no secret that I was planning for her to take over the Blackwell Empire. She was the apple of my eye. My little Cake. 

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