Chapter 3

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***12 hours Earlier***

Preferably with a sexy blue eyed bartender.! Here goes nothing. I mustered all the courage I could to strike a conversation with him.

I turned my head to see where my friends were and found them still on the dance floor with two other guys dancing with them.

I turned my attention back to the matter at hand. You can do this. "Hi... Zeke?" I greeted looking at the name tag on his shirt.

"Hey Sunshine. What can I get you...again?"
"Are you on the menu?" I drawled batting my eye lashes. Whoa so this is how bold I can be when drunk?
A small smile played on his lips. "Oh" he chuckled. "Well I could be. What's your name?" He asked

Oh right I hadn't told him yet. I eyed him for a moment contemplating whether to give him my real name.

"Are you thinking about your own name?" He asked casually as he wiped some glasses with a towel.
"Haha uh no of course not. It's my name why should I be thinking hard about I mean it's not like it ain't my real one or anything" I blabbered. Man I should really shut up now.

I registered that he had put a glass of tequila in front of me. I took it and downed it a go.
"Nebular. My name is Nebular. Nebular Brookes. Nice to meet you." I said raising my hand shake his.

"Pleasure's all mine" He said. The moment his skin touched mine tingles shot through my arm. Or maybe my drunk self just imagined them.

"Can you like get me more of this." I said pointing to my glass.
He eyed me inquisitively for a moment.
"Who is he?" He suddenly asked out of the blue.
"Who is it that you wanna forget so badly? Ex boyfriend perhaps?" He asked looking the least ashamed he asked that considering we were strangers and all.

"Um uh." I stammered. Why would he ask that?
"Uh yeah." I answered nodding my head to look more convincing. I don't know why but lying to Zeke didn't settle well with me.

"Did he cheat or something?" He asked again as he continued wiping glasses. Well I never was a fan of lying but I can't exactly tell him my friends brought me here to get away and clear my mind because I had a freaking nightmare he'll think am a weirdo.

Ex boyfriend it is. Let me see how far I'll get with this.
"Yeah. Caught him in bed with the school hoe just two hours ago. I was angry and kinda got carried away so my friends; Hailey and Tiffany; the blondes over there -" I pointed to them on the dance floor with a smile on my face "-heard about it and brought me here to 'forget' as they put it.

I finished, air quoting the words forget. I added a nervous laugh as I pushed my hair behind my ear with my hand.

"Well he's a dick if you ask me for doing that to you." He said as he leaned his face closer to mine. "Because I wouldn't even dream of cheating on a beautiful girl like you Sunshine."
He whispered in my ear making me shiver involuntarily from the warm breathe on my skin.

He backed away slowly so he was facing me now. "Uh haha glad you think that. What made you ask that in the first place?" I inquired

"Ask what?"
"About my 'dick of a boyfriend'? I said air quoting the last part as I placed my head on my hands on the counter." How'd you know that's what brought me here?" I finished.

"Well a beautiful girl like you wouldn't be out here drinking at this time of the night with her girl friends to simply just party." He explained. Oh okay that made sense.

"Huh, right." I chuckled. With the loud music I wonder how we were able to hear each other."Hey let's do shots." I suggested.

"I don't think so. I mean I've still got more customers over there and you had a lot to drink. Not to mention you don't look so good." He said as he eyed me worriedly.

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