Chapter 14

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"Well well Sunshine, don't you look ravishing." He drawled as he sized me up.


I raised my hand to tuck away the loose strands of my hair to behind my ear. He was already making me nervous and I had hardly been two minutes in his presence. I chuckled nervously then said "thank you. Well you do look good yourself." I added making him smile.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Uh yeah. Just waiting on Hailey. She should be down any second now." I said. A few seconds later Hailey made her presence known to us. "I'm here, I'm here! Hey handsome?" She greeted Zeke as soon as she was within hearing distance.

"Hey yourself. You ladies ready to go?" He said back. "Uh you look nice Hailey." He complimented as he rubbed the back of his neck as if he were embarrassed. Or maybe he's blushing. That little voice in my head said. 

Hailey is the reason that he is blushing. Tell her she cannot come with the both of you. Or else she will take Zeke from you. Said the other insecure voice in my head.

I have always imagined the two voices in my head as angels. Well one of them anyway. I liked to think that one was an angel who represented the voice of reason and also helped me make level headed choices. Be optimistic about the hell that is my life and also be appreciative of the small gestures my family and friends do for me. It was all the good parts of me.

Then there's the other one. All dressed in red with devilish horns on top of its head as it stands nonchalantly on my left shoulder holding a staff and a halo on its devilish head. The pessimistic side of me. The part of me that is afraid of commitment and tries really hard to shut people out. 

The part of me that is highly insecure, petulant and petty too. The part that is talking right now. I have been trying so hard to shut it up for good. Even though I know its impossible. It does help me be on guard sometimes and in my case, I should be great full. So instead I tune it down.

Shut it! Shut the fuck up! I whisper yelled as I tightly shut my eyes and shook my head to clear it. Momentarily forgetting where the fuck I was.

I opened my eyes to find a pair of ice blue ones that seemed to be looking at me as if they were trying to see all the way into my soul.

"Uh, sorry?" Zeke asked incredulously.

"Nothing I was know what never mind. I was just being my usual weird self. Sorry for that."

"Its all right." He said as he attempted a smile.

"You'll get used to her Zeke. Trust me. Come on lets go." Said Hailey as she walked to Zeke's car and got in the back. I sent her a silent thank you as soon as her eyes met mine.

"Where's your other friend? The uh jolly one uh Tiffany was was it?" Zeke asked.

"Oh unfortunately she woke up with a bad cold today." I answered taking his lead as he steered me towards the car. He opened the passenger side door and held it open for me.

"Is she sick?"

"I guess you could say that. But not to worry its not that serious anyway." I said.

"Shouldn't you guys stay with her or something? Won't she feel bad when she notices you guys gone?" He inquired. Worry evident in his voice. His eyes were gazing into mine and it felt like he could see right through to my very soul at that moment. 

He was genuinely concerned about Tiff and yet he did not really know her that well. And it warmed my heart to know that.

"Zeke, you needn't worry about her. My brothers are with her so she is definitely not alone. So just relax will you. And before you ask, yes, they know I've skipped school and that I'd be with you the rest of the day." I added.

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