Chapter 45

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Five days had passed since the incident in the woods with Zeke. Yes. I was calling it that.

I was missing him terribly. It felt like my whole body had turned to lead as every movement seemed tiresome. My body craved him. His touch.

My nose, craved his masculine scent. I needed him so much like a fish needed water to survive.

It was like his name had been etched in stones deep in my veins. But I was not protesting.

I love the guy. God, so, so much. I never even thought it could be possible to love someone like that.

I was in my room at Domino's in Bervely Hills standing on my balcony as I looked down below at my six year old boy as he played Tag with Genevieve.

I was recording him on video so I could send it to Zeke. We couldn't talk through the phone so that our conversations could not be tapped into by our enemies so I was going to send the clip to him the old fashioned way through using video tapes.

We had only been conversing via letters. Honestly it was as if we had gone back to the middle stonage period.

Well at least I got to experience it. Even though it was a fraction of it.

Zeke never failed to write to me. I got flowers every morning accompanied by the letters too.

My heart just wouldn't stop loving him. Neither did I want it to.

I had been informed that there was going to be a fundraising event where all the eligible bachelors, spinsters, married men and women who were in the business had been invited. Including Zeke and I.

Of course it wasn't a real fundraising event rather, just a posh party for rich men and women to show off their extravagant outfits and gloat about how boujee they are. A bunch of insolent brats if you asked me.

Power thirsty vultures flying over as they waited for their prey so they could devour them.

This industry wasn't for the weak of minds. Luckily I wasn't weak. Never been. The men thought they could intimidate me since I was the only female CEO in the bunch.

The look of pure shock when they tried to come at me and I handed their asses to them on a spike.

Going to this party was simply a must. I could not turn down the offer. I'd carry Genevieve with me together with Ryder so my mom would be at ease.

There was no way I was going to allow her to go. She was simply too old for these sorts of things. Plus there was no way in hell was I going to allow her to put herself in harms way.

These kinds of parties had a tendency to get ugly. It was either someone would go to the morgue in a body bag, or a few dozen persons would go to the morgue in a body bag. It was simply inevitable.

And neither of those people was going to be my mother.  I just wished that Theo and I were on good terms at least. I let out a sigh as I retracted back further into my room and sat on my bed as I thought about how screwed up my life was.

I could remember vividly how my relationship with Theo begun. Ergo it was a while back, still, the look of hurt was still fresh in my memory.

I recalled how we had set boundaries in the beginning; no strings, no attachment. Why did he have to go on and fall for me?

I needed my friend. And he wasn't there. But I could only blame myself for the outcome of our situation. I had been so blinded with rage and hurt in the beginning, I didn't think about his feelings at all.

It was good while it lasted though. And I know I should not be saying this but he was a good distraction. My only regret is hurting him.

I released a breath then started wrapping up the video tape in preparation for sending it to Zeke.

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